Stop in for a cup of coffee

Same with his 454 chevelle. Apparently it needs a tune up.
Doesent go like he thinks it should. So guess who gets to do some road tests? Oh ya!

The young employee of a friend of mine found a Ram Air IV 400 GTO for next to nothing at the time. His boss was not happy that the youngster had found it before he did :lol:. My friend suggested he give the car to me to play with for a while. It ran OK just not like it should have. After some parts replacement and some tweaking and tuning I returned it to him, not before I filled the neighborhood with tire smoke numerous times :rolleyes:. " What did you do to my car? That thing is scary!!!" "That's how it's supposed to run. You owe me $40 for parts. You can thank me later." :rofl:
Just did wasp eviction from the Duster. Was at a picnic a few weeks ago and a friend noticed a couple hovering around the front corner on passenger side. They had a paper nest under the fender above the headlight. Didn't see any activity at first. Decided I would test them before ripping it out of there. Gave a squirt of alchohol and water and a few crawled out. So shot it with foaming killer and then rinsed the whole thing a couple minutes later. Removed the headlight trim and cleaned the nest out. :thumbsup:
Other than real project for this morning is getting the Neon rockers painted. Decided to go with Frank's suggestion of undercoat and then paint. Not as much texture as I wanted, but good enough. Undercoat is done(drying). Hoping I can paint and have it ready to drive to work. Otherwise I need to do a quick wash on the dusty Duster and take it to work.:steering:
I need to go to the Post Office for a box. I sold a carb yesterday that needs to get boxed up and sent out.
So a FABO good guy alert, RonaldC who is doing a modern Hemi swap needed some wiring harness parts, ECU and other misc stuff I had laying about from my swap. I boxed it all up and sent it to him, told him if it worked great if not send it back or what have you. I just got a super cool gift card in mail! Woo Hoo! Like many on here I have sent countless parts to this member or that member in return for promise of a beer, a hot dog etc. not once have I ever been burned. Please note i totally understand many on here buy and sell parts on regular basis for cash. That is a totally different thing. But I gotta say the overall quality of folks on here is genuine good folks! I will spend his thank you card with glee! Thanks RonaldC. console brackets are in!!! AWESOME!!! To bad my front door for the house also came in...because we all know that will have to go in before the console brackets....
I'm sure you have something to "dull" the pain.
LOL Makes my blood thinners work even better. The bandage is not to get wet for 48 hours and no physical activity for 2 days. Heck I can't even go to the bathroom. :rofl:
Afternoon and helloo too!
Finally got a picture.
Been trying to get gravel in and graded in tarp shed. I dragged out something i thought would work instead of my little kubota and a rear drag bar.

Worked way better with 1/2 the thinking.
This is the only 3 wheel drive trike i have ever seen. Works slick!
I am tired of polishing the horribly hazed and yellowed headlight lenses in my wife’s ‘05 Grand Caravan every few months.

I got new OEM lenses today for $30 each with bulbs already installed. Not worth the effort do polishing for that price! I will install them this weekend.

