Stop in for a cup of coffee

Oh ****, so its all done now??
I had a small growth that grew fairly quick and was kind of crusty. It didn't look good so the dermatologist removed it and sent it to the lab. That removal healed up real nice but the doctor cut the area open and took samples to check for cancer below the surface. Good news, no cancer but the gash took 5 stitches to sew up. Sucks but better than letting it go and having serious cancer later. Too much sunburn when I was a kid.
Was a long day again. After finishing gravel and filling holes in driveway i had a truck in with broken plow mounts. I mean broken clean off...
Buddy says how do they do that?
So i show him back of truck.
Tow hook broken clean off,as well as any other place a chain can be hooked. They are hard on this truck. Plain and simple.
I should suggest a heavy duty bumper with 10,000 lb tow rings welded on.

Oh well, they break, i fix.
Musta been an Air Force joke. Flew right over your head! :lol:


Been lookin' for a reason to share this photo :rofl:
Nobody be pokin' fun at this Coastie pilot :steering:
Come some great local whiskey and a spare cigar
I quit smoking years back but I always enjoy a little second hand cigar. What flavor do you enjoy? How about you Ben and Mitch?
We used to see 2 C130s in tandem flying the river bottom next to the rock farm. Sometimes from the beach, sometimes from the hills. All matte black, no identifiable markings. About 200' off the deck and haulin' ***. Always made the same sharply banked turn up the same canyon that merged with the river. We never did know for sure if it was our armed forces playing or one of the drug cartels delivering supplies to a pot farm in the remote parts of the Los Padres National Forest.
I quit smoking years back but I always enjoy a little second hand cigar. What flavor do you enjoy? How about you Ben and Mitch?
Whiskey, all of them...just depends on what I feel like drinking at the time...but I have to say I've taken a liking to a good rye. many...but my favs usually have a Cameroon wrapper.
@Ddaddy , there a several cruise packages offered, Most with a 5 day land stay at a resort, with several days cruising to other islands.

This is one

Question, what is the best use of our time? Cost not figuring in...