Stop in for a cup of coffee

I really need to get some flat foam sheeting in different thicknesses so I can reinforce the inside if each box and make them true up to square better. I have also been playing with surface lamination to make the colors pop more.

It’s all an evolution.
Steve has all the ford stuff now.
That is cool. I may need to copy cat that I like it so much.Filko a man after my own heart. Sold that early in my parts store career. Top quality stuff. Then we picked up Standard Ignition. Not as good.
I buy as much Filko as I can find good stuff.
Boxes are funny you have no idea how many times I was asked if I would just sell a box without the part. Sure the price is on it!
I really just wanted that box of 56 sets of dual points out of it. Lots of ford and a bit of early Chrysler stuff also.
Where did you go? You were here just a little while ago.
I was out doing a Honey Do. Right before Simone got home, make her think I was slaving on it all day!!! A pest fence to keep rabbits and our dogs out of new landscaping till it grows in....300ft of it!!!
I was out doing a Honey Do. Right before Simone got home, make her think I was slaving on it all day!!! A pest fence to keep rabbits and our dogs out of new landscaping till it grows in....300ft of it!!!
Tonight was be the last bad night with strong winds. So, my wife just woke up, a little over 2 am. And I woke up too. I asked her, what's up ? I can't find any information about the fire she says. I asked, have you been outside if it is filled with smoke. It should be the way the wind was forecasted to blow, and strong too. No, I don't have the courage to go out, afraid of what I might find out. So, we went out together. It is clear sky, stars, a western slight drift in the air from West, and not.the north east that was predicted. A d the radio does not have much about it.
