Stop in for a cup of coffee

So something i observed while here in vegas this time.
Lots of people smoking weed.

It's Twister Tuesday!
Good morning.
Good morning, no lift today, his crane, needed to load on trailer, is down. He is repairing. :BangHead:
That Carina would have had sealed beams in its home Japanese market, but European-type headlamps were put in cars exported to countries where that type was either required or most commonly used. That's an R2 bulb you've linked. Tungsten non-halogen, 45/40w high/low beam in 6- and 12-volt versions; 55/50w in the 24-volt version used in European trucks and buses. It was almost 100% universal in European headlamps (that is, headlamps built to comply with the European regs, no matter who built them or where) starting in 1957. This bulb came in white and selective yellow.

When the Brits and Europeans devised the world's first halogen 2-filament (high/low beam) headlight bulb, the H4, in the late 1960s, they kept the filament geometry compatible with that of the R2, so it was an easy matter to make hybrid bulbs: an H4 burner on an R2 base. Thus were old headlamps updated to halogen technology just by changing the bulb.
Good to hear from you Dan. What have you been up to since you retired? You are aren't you? LOL
Was supposed to have a doc visit this morning. Been going to this place for maybe a year. Always saw a 'Nurse Practitioner', never the actual doc. She moved to their other office, so had an appt with the other NP. I get there and they say need to reschedule cause no providers are in the office. Supposedly tried to call me and my phone was out of service. Umm no... Had them call my phone and of course it rang. So got past that to the reschedule part. Wanted to give me a Facetime appointment with the actual doctor- who I have never even met. I'm like- No, not for initial visit. So now have a real visit for next Wed. I think the problem is they are a Pain Management office. AKA pot distributer, and I think they are just overloaded. Will see how it goes next week, but seriously thinking might need to look for someone else.
Adding to that, I did screw up yesterday and forgot to take some meds in the AM. BP was up pretty high last night. SO, was really kinda counting on going in there this morning to kick around what I should do if/when that happens. My 'stress echo' that the cardiologist wanted is scheduled for Thursday, so if anything is off, that should catch it.
Good Morning
Good morning, Keith, yep I think they've added too many moving parts to medical almost every appointment I have with one doctor, they call and say they have to reschedule. Another doctor called to talk about some tests, and then in the middle of the conversation said oh let's see your appointment is in two weeks, I don't think I need to see you then. Which is fine with me because luckily I am pretty healthy but doctors will take over your life if you let them! Like you're their pet! (hmmm I think David is just a little heavy, need to cut back on his food....):lol:
Good morning, Keith, yep I think they've added too many moving parts to medical almost every appointment I have with one doctor, they call and say they have to reschedule. Another doctor called to talk about some tests, and then in the middle of the conversation said oh let's see your appointment is in two weeks, I don't think I need to see you then. Which is fine with me because luckily I am pretty healthy but doctors will take over your life if you let them! Like you're their pet! (hmmm I think David is just a little heavy, need to cut back on his food....):lol:
Yeh, I guess the old days where your 'family doctor' actually knew who you are must be long gone. I just find the idea of a phone visit for a general checkup with a doc I have never met as a very incomplete checkup, bordering on a big waste of time. Maybe for a follow-up visit or if I had a cold or something. I guess most of their patients that are saying this hurts and that hurts and here's the drug and what to do with it....
Waxed the Fury yesterday, I'd like to do another coat, is it better to wait a week or can I do it now and get the same benefit?
You found another hot rod that needs to be lifted on to the trailer?
Nope. When I was up in apple valley, picking up that truck I took to PA, I noticed the guy had a 10K Bendpak 2 post lift in the storage. Asked if he wanted to sell it, we agreed on a price, had to go back. Only way to put it on a trailer at his place is with a small crane. That his buddy owns....
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Good to hear from you Dan. What have you been up to since you retired?

Clearing out and closing down the 3-generation family home my grandparents put up 70 years ago. The developer's bulldozers come for it in 20 days. It is a death in the family, an uphill slog of sadness, grief, and trauma.

You asked.
It is also funny this "tungsten" you mention. I have many times thought about that, why you adopted the Swedish name for Wolfram. Tungsten consist of two words, Tung and Sten. Tung means heavy, and sten means stone. So, heavy-stone.

Cool! Didn't know that. I don't know why that name eventually came to be favoured in English; it used to be called Wolfram in this language, too.

A famous old light bulb company, still in existence, made their name out of both words: Tungsram (Tungsten Wolfram).
Nope. When I was up in apple valley, picking up that truck I took to PA, I noticed the guy had a 10K Bendpak 2 post lift in the storage. Asked if he wanted to sell it, we agreed on a price, had to go back. Only way to put it on a trailer at his place is with a small crane. That his buddy owns....

Handy. Very handy. A phone call called you off? Or was it just a sight seeing trip to the Majestic Mojave?
Have you ever tried to drive in fog or snow with yellow light, or yellow glasses?

Yup! It's important to pick out the right kind of yellow to avoid screwing yourself (blocking too much light that you need for seeing). You want to cut out the blue and the violet, and that's it. Any lens that looks amber, brownish, or orange is cutting out useful/necessary light. The lenses should look like a K2 camera filter.
Clearing out and closing down the 3-generation family home my grandparents put up 70 years ago. The developer's bulldozers come for it in 20 days. It is a death in the family, an uphill slog of sadness, grief, and trauma.

You asked.

Well Dan, Kitty and I will add you and your family to our prayer list. It's the least we can do for you always being such a huge help around here.
Clearing out and closing down the 3-generation family home my grandparents put up 70 years ago. The developer's bulldozers come for it in 20 days. It is a death in the family, an uphill slog of sadness, grief, and trauma.

You asked.
sorry to hear that.