Stop in for a cup of coffee

You know never been there for that show.
Been a few years... I took the kids up bunch of times. Doubt I will make it this year. My son plans to get there one day next week. They are shutting power off to do some electrical where he works and they have the day off. So, him and a coworker might go.
I must have been paying attention to something else last week in Phx when I stopped at Bikini Beans
for coffee. I have the Christmas Season cup :D this morning saved from the trip:rolleyes:
Mitch looking for the drivers side A body 67 383 insulator for the motor mount bracket.
Let me know if you have one you want to part with.
Sorry Craig, I don't think I have any. I believe I used my original, since it was so nice. I will look through my parts though...:thumbsup:
Sorry Craig, I don't think I have any. I believe I used my original, since it was so nice. I will look through my parts though...:thumbsup:
No hurry got a couple months before we do anything. I'm just rounding up parts.
Waiting for a phone call. Mom had the flu and got dehydrated. They might want to take to ER and give her some fluids.
Is it sad... its Jan 2 and my taxes are done and ready to file before the IRS is ready to accept them!?
i got bored. took the beak out of the spare hood and clamped it to a spare trunk lid to see if i liked the look. figured since I have multiple beak hoods and trunk lids, worse case, I'm out the time if I don't like it haha