Stop in for a cup of coffee

Its Scarab Sunday!
Its not raining.
Sunny,mild but breezy.
Raining here. Pup insisted on going out. Rarely does that, so knew there was a problem. Looked like a cow plop on the kitchen floor and smelled much worse. :eek: I think she just ate too much. I refilled the big container of her food yesterday and she got to it before I got the lid on...
Good Morning
Raining here. Pup insisted on going out. Rarely does that, so knew there was a problem. Looked like a cow plop on the kitchen floor and smelled much worse. :eek: I think she just ate too much. I refilled the big container of her food yesterday and she got to it before I got the lid on...
Good Morning
EWWWE Your having a crappy morning Keefer!
Good morning,going out to wash the Barracuda. Went on a cruise yesterday and drove home after dark. Had a few deer in the headlights moments and all bugged up
50 posts, not a bad backread at all.
Spent some time hacking the wiring out of buddy’s 1969 chevy,and fitted the last bulkhead connector. Of course he indexed it wrong when he cut the hole. Dumbass. Regardless, the bundle of wire he has to look at is his screw up. Every template i make i write on so i dont have this very issue.

Then i moved onto the Fargo, installed defroster vents and window trim around windshield.
It worked out just fine. Was a little nervous about putting screws in the centre bar, but it went well. Cleaned the mirror, and its actually useable. View attachment 1715578714
Nice, looks like a PT Cruiser dash all symmetrical and such. Did they have right hand drive trucks?
Good Morning All! Brush clearing down the hill yesterday, more today and pull the fenders, doors and ? outta the Duster.
Never saw that one before. Dam that will save me some time. Mopar made a good one but no BW in it. And it is 69 and back. Need 80 and back also
Well....I'm back from my Whippin at Church today... Paint guy is supposed to call me today, to come down and help get the GTS into the paint booth. Guy is old and decrepit, needs help. No Worries, if it gets the job done sooner.....:thumbsup:
Well....I'm back from my Whippin at Church today... Paint guy is supposed to call me today, to come down and help get the GTS into the paint booth. Guy is old and decrepit, needs help. No Worries, if it gets the job done sooner.....:thumbsup:
What denomination?
Well....I'm back from my Whippin at Church today... Paint guy is supposed to call me today, to come down and help get the GTS into the paint booth. Guy is old and decrepit, needs help. No Worries, if it gets the job done sooner.....:thumbsup:

From the looks of the iron he has painted already. It will be time well spent :thumbsup: