Stop in for a cup of coffee

He still needs to wetsand and buff, but the panels looked very good in person.....
In case anyone did not see them. The hood was wrapped so no see. Doors are also done, maybe get pics today

Quiet here tonight. Got some more done on buddy’s pickup. the fan housing to the hvac needed to be worked over. Fresh air intake as well. So thats done.
will start trimming wiring over the next week.
This evening i installed 4 outdoor cameras, will see how they work.
Quiet here tonight. Got some more done on buddy’s pickup. the fan housing to the hvac needed to be worked over. Fresh air intake as well. So thats done.
will start trimming wiring over the next week.
This evening i installed 4 outdoor cameras, will see how they work.
Having a Tin Cup and trying to organize next week.
Having a Tin Cup and trying to organize next week.
Fishing tomorrow. Hope its not windy. I put off some work. Nothing big this week, so far.
The head gasket job on the Jinma tractor seems to be a success. I get to keep it for a few weeks, do a few things around the yard.
I'm off all next week, took the week cause was going to have all 3 kids here. Daughter from NO's husband got Covid from co-worker, they cancelled of course. He's has no symptoms, she tested negative first time but doesn't feel well so retesting today. Son still coming from AZ so will have the boys for a few days.
Warming up the oven for some bacon. Time for some BLT's with fresh tomatoes and 8 grain bread. I have some fresh sweet corn and a local watermelon cooling off in the frig.
Too hot out now for more brush cutting, will wait till this eve or tomorrow a.m. Blackberries were really taking over the view, long way to go tho...


Did a BLT for lunch. Tomatoes were from the garden along with cutting open the second cantaloupe- bigger and better than the first one.:thumbsup:

Made chipped steak with onions and peppers tonight plus some onion rings and mozzarella sticks....and beer. Love this Gonzo Imp Porter...
Oh this is gonna be epic, I got a toy snake, rigged it up to the door hinge of the truck, so that when my brother opens it, the snake will drop down on him. Oh I can’t wait


We put one similar to this in our yard truck at the rock farm. Just set it on the seat. Start up time was right about sun-up, poor driver went to do his walk around opened the door, one step and sees it :eek:. Joe bout tore the cab off tryin' to get that wood snake. Then he noticed it was wood and the real party started. :rolleyes: