Stop in for a cup of coffee

Looked at the articles you posted. This one needs a few tweaks. Will see where it goes from there. See if i can get a decent alignment on it as well.
This thing is very nice,but leaves a lot to be desired in the running,driving and stopping department. I think the master cylinder bore is too big. Would explain the hard pedal.

what gets me is they spared no expense on body/interior and cheaped out on the brakes. And left the rear suspension alone.
Morning. Another hot one here,after a rainshower this morning. Going to be humid.
I hear you on the heat. I have been in and out of water tanks all week. 100% humidity + the temp.
Looked at the articles you posted. This one needs a few tweaks. Will see where it goes from there. See if i can get a decent alignment on it as well.
This thing is very nice,but leaves a lot to be desired in the running,driving and stopping department. I think the master cylinder bore is too big. Would explain the hard pedal.

what gets me is they spared no expense on body/interior and cheaped out on the brakes. And left the rear suspension alone.
some people do the opposite. They get so caught up with this goodie or this shiny etc and dont look at what thier 90% will be and what they can tolerate.
Today is our last day in the mid 80's, we will be hitting the 90's starting Friday... No rain till Sunday... :D
We are still waiting to find out if we got this 6 month contract in Mexico. The good, work for the boat and we keep our jobs and $40.00 a day more. The bad? 35/35 day rotation, we get stuck being off for 35 days instead of 14 without pay.
We are still waiting to find out if we got this 6 month contract in Mexico. The good, work for the boat and we keep our jobs and $40.00 a day more. The bad? 35/35 day rotation, we get stuck being off for 35 days instead of 14 without pay.
If you can afford it, that 35 day vacation every other month will be liked!
We are still waiting to find out if we got this 6 month contract in Mexico. The good, work for the boat and we keep our jobs and $40.00 a day more. The bad? 35/35 day rotation, we get stuck being off for 35 days instead of 14 without pay.
Thing about the $40 a day more is most of it will likely get taxed away.
I ended up working on a project fire in the far north, 10 hour days for 21 days. My cheque wasnt much more than my regular 2 week pay. So that was the end of that for me.
Morning all been busy with John the last couple days doing some beauty work on the Barracuda. We'll finish it up today, and load this evening. Going to head out at first light in the morning and be there by 1pm. We want to make a early bird run through the swap area. Looking forward to a great weekend.
Thursday A01.png
Morning all been busy with John the last couple days doing some beauty work on the Barracuda. We'll finish it up today, and load this evening. Going to head out at first light in the morning and be there by 1pm. We want to make a early bird run through the swap area. Looking forward to a great weekend.
Looking forward to seeing you guys. Travel safely.
Thing about the $40 a day more is most of it will likely get taxed away.
I ended up working on a project fire in the far north, 10 hour days for 21 days. My cheque wasnt much more than my regular 2 week pay. So that was the end of that for me.
yeah because overtime is taxed at a higher rate. I did that once, 3 weeks of 12-16 hour shifts, nearly twice the number of hours worked, made 300 bucks more than normal because the tax rate went way up.
yeah because overtime is taxed at a higher rate. I did that once, 3 weeks of 12-16 hour shifts, nearly twice the number of hours worked, made 300 bucks more than normal because the tax rate went way up.
The best approach is, trying not to pay Taxes.....:lol: