Stop in for a cup of coffee

Looking at some of the hurricane surge damage, pretty bad! Any refineries nocked out that we know of? Shell had gas here 239 sheets 251 this am. Big jump in a block, the usually match the price.
No reports of any refinery damage.....BUT gas prices will still go up......ANY "reason":BangHead:
Just weird, had to drive her to a appointment at 0630 and all the stations we passed had really different prices.
Nothing, left a message, a pm and added him to the conversations so I would say no.
Nice letter just written from Kenosha Police to our Governor Evers....

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Went over to see machinist buddy, made me a nice little drill jig. Wheel bolts center it perfectly in existing holes,and pilot is dead on the shelby drop spec.

now i just need to get them damn springs back in. They tough to compress.
Never noticed it before. I likey!
But then again if it wasn't for flashbacks I would have no memory at all!
One spring back in. Cant get shock on. Car isnt heavy enough. Will leave top as is until the rest is done. What a pain, spring wasnt clocked right,was a real challenge to get it turned a few degrees. Ended clamping a pry bar to spring with a cable clamp, worked slick.
Evening all. The bad week continues. Think I re-injured the back muscle I tore while on active duty a few years back