Stop in for a cup of coffee

I got my 904 rebuilt yesterday and went all the way to Des Moines Iowa about 800 miles one way and learned a lot about transmissions and had a great time visiting a great friend.
I think most of you in Iowa know who I mean.
How is he with push buttons? Most 727 reputable guys around me won’t touch a push button
How is he with push buttons? Most 727 reputable guys around me won’t touch a push button
Not sure but he has been rebuilding trannys for a long time and is great help.
He is on here someplace and might stop in and answer your question.
I don't know how to give you the info to PM him.
How is he with push buttons? Most 727 reputable guys around me won’t touch a push button

Chris, why don't you try this guy...

He says he does pushbutton, has 66 and earlier poly transmissions, and 62/64 pushbutton transmissions - just look in the middle of the page...

He's in northwest Indiana...

Installed left headlight bucket,lamp and go to put trim ring on,there is a little standoff missing. So,clean and paint another one.
At least the left eyeball isnt hanging out of its socket any more. Been hanging there since i got it. Zero heavy lifting today, my back is killing me! Was worth it.
Installed left headlight bucket,lamp and go to put trim ring on,there is a little standoff missing. So,clean and paint another one.
At least the left eyeball isnt hanging out of its socket any more. Been hanging there since i got it. Zero heavy lifting today, my back is killing me! Was worth it. View attachment 1715610705
Bad back sucks, sorry buddy wouldn't wish that problem on anyone.
Holy Shmokes! Got considerably warmer than expected here today. Coming week's prediction has changed some too. 2 days ago it was mid 80s for the week. Now it's mid 90s :eek:. Here come those Santa Ana Winds again.
Just went for thanksgiving dinner. Oh man, food overload!
Was wort the trip.
Good Morning Everyone. Happy Birthday Karl. Hope all is well out there in coffee land.

Did a road trip with a buddy to get some 70 Charger fenders. Things were in beautiful shape and cheap (compared to others I have seen). 9 hours in the truck, but was a good day overall.
Only use your eyes.

1- Find the C in the table below!


2- If you have already found the C, then find the 6 in the table below.


3- Now find the N in the table below.
Attention, it's a little more difficult!


If you pass these three tests without a problem:
- you can cancel your annual visit to the neurologist.
- your brain is in decent working shape!
- you are far from having any relationship with Alzheimer's.
Ramie just sparked a road trip plan for me. Gonna find a few days soon to make the 'Ben meets FABO' power tour.. Need to pick up parts at Ramie's. Maybe I can figure out how to catch some of you guys along way. Shake a few hands. Have a few beverages.. Thinking who all is in the general vicinity..

@toolmanmike @Sublime one @Tooljunkie @krazykuda

Who else am I missing?
Z man