Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning everyone, that winter blast sure hit hard up in the northeast, northwest Missouri got hit hard as well
Just broke out of jail this morning. Downtown now in Hotel. Walked a lot today, and just came back to room from dinner ( Korean Barbeque )
Good glad to here your out. The meal looked great, and I'm sure it tasted pretty good after eating that prison food.
Good morning everyone, that winter blast sure hit hard up in the northeast, northwest Missouri got hit hard as well
We dodged the bullet here. South east Iowa got some precip.
Good morning everyone, that winter blast sure hit hard up in the northeast, northwest Missouri got hit hard as well
We got five inches and then sent it your way. Mid 40's for a week starting today, it won't be on the ground long.
So glad to hear that this morning Toolman, I was wondering how everyone is doing
Was just thinking on shipping, expensive to CAN lately, you guys get nailed from the US.
Yup. That has to be figured out. If he could truck it across border in BC then ship across canada it may be a little better. I need enough in an order to justify freight. Then the duty kicks me too.
Hey Chris...
Saw your post. We have our account set up with each of us with a Roth IRA, a Bond account, and a Joint account which is stocks. Any dividend paid goes back into the account for investment. Been doing it that way for 25 years.
Well got a new friend yesterday. He already took over as copilot

His name is Dallas. My sisters dog. It seems her grandson, my grand nephew is allergic to him. I said it is the cat but hey...this is a cool dog