Stop in for a cup of coffee

He wants a grand for it but I did confirm, it’s a 270 desoto hemi. 160 hp
I could use that plug wire cover on the right side valve cover
I’m going back down next week. I have an eye on another couple items but didn’t have time today to tear into it... too good a deal to pass up.
Those safety police used to show up at the most inopportune times at the rock farm :lol:.
Take a crusher or conveyor apart, have those "specialty tools" of questionable origin and safety scattered about :lol:.
Here comes OSHA or MSHA :rofl:.

Nope we solved the problem, added some antifreeze to the lines! (just humor all you safety police out there)
I put the junkyard pics so far over on my build thread so I could find them again easily lol, well a few of them
Major project but a cool one


Chiro appt done, back and neck feel a little better... :D
Good to hear. You know, I had sciatic nerve issues because of a ruptured disc. It took a long time to get on the other side of that with my chiro but it has been really good for a long time now. My medical Dr. even said as long as I was getting relief it is better tan going under the knife.
Was a good day i think, computer stuff getting easier,lots of batteries sold. a few more days of this crap.
Note to self, next time being a stand alone camera with a gig stick, transferring this many photos from a phone takes forever