Stop in for a cup of coffee

No, it's Lay's chips part of the Lay over Mitch has been on for the past month...longest one way plane ride I've ever seen.:lol:
He may as well stay cause I’m sure coming back will be even worse lol
Or in some cases New Old Shit :eek:
You have to watch them. Any thing with rubber is iffy. A guy bought a $400 NOS e vac advance and sent it to me for his distributor. a one year one engine one. No repops available. The vacuum side was dry rotted.
Good Chilly Morning everyone. Hope all is well out there. Nipplie today...

You have to watch them. Any thing with rubber is iffy. A guy bought a $400 NOS e vac advance and sent it to me for his distributor. a one year one engine one. No repops available. The vacuum side was dry rotted.
Yep I can imagine that happening. I was poking fun at what some people think is NOS and clearly its a used old rotted car part.
Some buyers aren't as's always Buyer Beware!!