Stop in for a cup of coffee

House update yesterday offered the seller 15k less and no inspections. I told her she had 24 hours to accept or decline. She replied she needed another day, or two and get back to me. The house HVAC and AC is less than 5 years old. No foundation problems etc...
They have one yard faucet sits 40 yards out in the front yard that has a leak. We don't want it, ugly looking, and will cap it at the house when we own it. Sprinkler system back flow is leaking. That's an easy fix. Someone told her how expensive it will be digging up the yard etc...all BS I know better. Anyway she doesn't, so hence the offer telling her we assume all needed repairs. The handyman told me she thought about offering us a discount so I took the initiative and offered her. We'll see.
Fingers crossed. We have (had) a sprinkler system. What a pain in the azz. I haven't used it for years after a early freeze/ snow and some broken lines.
Fingers crossed. We have (had) a sprinkler system. What a pain in the azz. I haven't used it for years after a early freeze/ snow and some broken lines.
We've had one for ten years with little or no problems. I don't miss the hoses.
The new house is two acres and she has the system covering the entire property.
I can tell you that's not going to happen. It's well shaded and won't need that much.
Immediate yard and flower beds is all it will need.
Pain to repair existing system (ask me how I know!). Sure is nice to water the yard by pushing a button tho..
We also have a rain sensor on our sprinkler. That's really nice when we go out of town for a week or so.
Cool shifters but still not as good as the Slap Stick.

dual gate.jpg
Well it's in the oven, bout 2 hours per lb. bone in. Wish me luck, lol I seem to find ways of screwing these up!

Well it's in the oven, bout 2 hours per lb. bone in. Wish me luck, lol I seem to find ways of screwing these up!

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Naw, you can't screw one up. The internal temp will stall around 160°. That's when I wrap them and finish the cook to 203°. Take it out of the oven, wrap it in old towels, and let it rest a couple hours in a old cooler.
I have a partial can taste spicy stuff. All food though still taste flat or like cardboard to me.
Pretty much cleared up, but I had a problem with taste this week. Not caused by covid though. At least not directly. I've been taking zinc which is supposed to be an immunity boost. Either ones that just say zinc, or Zicam. Both dissolve in your mouth. I also recently had issues with sensitive gums/teeth. I'm sure part of that is cause I am a year overdue for a cleaning. I was scheduled for that the week all the restrictions started here. So, the wife got me some hi-test mouth rinse... I used that and then did a Zicam. Think the combo 'burnt' my tongue a bit. I could still taste, but not as strong as usual, and my tongue felt weird and had a lingering medicinal taste for a week.
Water the yard? **** man, that's what rain's for.

Mornin yawl.
If it doesent rain, i dont have to cut grass. 8 acres is a long day. In spring its once a week around the house,every two weeks for the rest of the yard.
Last summer was dry, so the back part only got 4 cuts.
If it doesent rain, i dont have to cut grass. 8 acres is a long day. In spring its once a week around the house,every two weeks for the rest of the yard.
Last summer was dry, so the back part only got 4 cuts.

Exactly. WHY would I water the grass so I gotta cut more often? lol
Well good news. Worked out the exchange for the rockers. They’re actually taking care of it fully on their end, I gotta do nothing.
Turn out the sheep. Cut the grass and fertilize at the same time.

Big hunk of public property down the street. Part of it is a City Park and softball field. Part of it is the County Sheriff Sub Station. The remainder belongs to the Airport District. Last summer they put up signs on the fence around the Airport section, "Please Do Not Feed The Sheep". :wtf: That parcel is undeveloped and has brush and Eucalyptus trees on it. Sure as life I cruise by a day or two later, they have their mowing crew out grazing between the trees. It's a diverse crew, mixed sheep and goats. :lol:
Damn, I bumped my for sale items right in the middle of a busy sale page that no one will see. I have a plan though.
Ranger is done. Managed to get air out of master without removing it. I applied vacuum to resevoir, and cycled pedal. I had some sound deadening foam from my truck, stuck it to a washer and it made a tight seal. Worked very well.
Ranger is done. Managed to get air out of master without removing it. I applied vacuum to resevoir, and cycled pedal. I had some sound deadening foam from my truck, stuck it to a washer and it made a tight seal. Worked very well.
I'm still wrestling with the ranger here, little basturd, doesn't want to be fixed.

While you're driving the fuel cuts out cyclical, up and down..... it cuts out and then comes back up.

