Stop in for a cup of coffee

Catch yous later. I've got to get to market and then have 8 panes left glaze that didn't get done yestersday. I've got to remember to charge by the panes - except this is for my house.:rolleyes:

PS. You'll don't like a bill going through legislature somewhere, anywhere - go write a cogent letter and put in the mail. Do a lot more good than posting here.
You guys have hotels booked?
We do, but not sure where, and my travel agent isn't home at the moment.
John and I are at the same place, walking distance to a couple bars, and 10 minute drive to the fairgrounds.
Sounds like a parking lot party drinking homemade hooch out of the trunk of Tool Man Mike's Dart
What? I don't know what you are talking about. :rofl:

Morning Tim!

@halifaxhops opened up a crypto wallet this morning. Gonna wait for a dip and buy in. Figure I’ll start with 100 bucks and see what happened
Thank you! Let me tell ya, it sure is nerve wracking! Now that we are only 2 months away, finalizing everything, selling everything, getting paperwork in order, and praying that all goes well when down, etc.. is somewhat stressful.
So why are you moving out of the US? If I may ask, you don’t have to answer if you feel that’s too personal
I wonder if my (my) stimulus check will get deposited in our joint account. :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
I will never see that money! I call B/S on that one. :bs_flag: :rofl::rofl:
I was going to tag some one on that one but thought it would be a international incident!
Got our stimulus money. Will be available Wednesday.. Going to food bank again....:thumbsup: They need it more then we do...
I commend you for that. The direction I need to go as well.
What I find despicable, We have Bernie heads yelling about 15 dollar min wage, BUT no one is yelling to get our military a living wage....At least, E-1 thru E-3.....Those families really are poor! IMO!!!