Stop in for a cup of coffee

Thats the long ram. I love the look but not for this car. Cross Ram max wedge style
Kinda figured that. lol
I assume they still sit a little high? So a scoop still needed? This or more?
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I believe they would be a bit too tall for stock hood.

Love this car!! This is how I pictured it being like.

Thats what I am talking about! Any idea what he had to give for it? New from A&A is $1495.
Terry says they go for $1200-1500. He bought a bunch of other parts and spent way more for the whole load.
Trying to come up with door pulls for the fargo. Still not sure what to use. Hmmm. May have to go for a walk.
Hello All! Back from weekly water run, 2 5 gallons plus a tank of propane for the grill. Just about busted my turntable motor with those new split ring pliers, going to send the turntable to the "Dual Doctor", he's a pro out of Ontario, really good reputation on this equipment. He'll do a whole service to include the tone arm dampening fluid so I can let go of the lever without it dropping, clean/lube the motor. I've got an email in to him for quote, have done two clean and lubes on this turntable, time for a more in depth servicing.
Holy cow, operator error on my part, called my local Napa store for the tool rebate issue, he walked me though the link and I got there. Glad we haven't gone to recycling yet cause they HAVE to have the UPC Bar code and it HAS to be sent via snail mail by the 15th. Next!
Good morning everyone. I am still pondering in another thread about taking the tunnel ram, that works great, off and putting on a cross ram. What you guys think? Save the money and keep the late 70's race car look or???
I say go for it! Hold on to the tunnel ram if you can just in case it’s not what you hoped it would be. If you don’t do it you’ll always wonder what it could have been.