Stop in for a cup of coffee

So, interesting turn of events. Just to het horn to work i tore column down 2x. First time i was at the point where wheel goes on and i discover steering shaft is 180 degrees out. Give or take. Tear it down again and flip shaft at the tilt ball. Not an easy task. So im thinking the “person” that had column apart didnt have a clue. Its finally done,but 5 hours work.
Those are tricky. Can be a mess.
All front trim is on.

That's a pretty sizable unload for a cat :wtf: It's placement looks premeditated also. Recent change in cat vittles?
Same chow for years. The anti hairball stuff works well enough that when he finally arcs a hairball this is pretty typical volumetrically. The placement however was very funny until she explained to me as I rolled with mirth that I could laugh all the way to the shoe store and pick her up some new shoes. Arghh.
Same chow for years. The anti hairball stuff works well enough that when he finally arcs a hairball this is pretty typical volumetrically. The placement however was very funny until she explained to me as I rolled with mirth that I could laugh all the way to the shoe store and pick her up some new shoes. Arghh.

:lol::lol: I am sensing a conspiracy in the works :lol::lol:
Chevelle owner and buyer stop in. Have to add to the list. Master cylinder,remove the cherry bombs and install mufflers and tailpipes. A place in ontario has some nice stuff i ordered. Magnaflow system is $1,600 and change.
I sent an e-mail to lyells and owner says he will expand the back end of mufflers to fit the tailpipes. Cool. May not be too bad to build a proper exhaust.
Electric fuel pump is in the path of the tailpipe. How about putting it in the trunk?
Let's get Friday started early, so much to do and little time to do it :elmer:
Mexican cornbread is done and in the fridge, boil potatoes for potatoe salad , trip to town and start cooking fish at 11am, feeding 8 people at 12 :welcome:

He is in no rush been sitting for a few years he sold the car. Just one of the things I fall across.