Stop in for a cup of coffee

It seems, my classroom is growing each week. :thumbsup:
That's very cool. Hopefully, they'll get it in more than one way.
Yup, It was always my intention to teach English in this way in Viet Nam. Most people here are Buddhists, but two of these kids are actually Christians, ( Catholic )......
Well off to get my last IV bag of fluids from the hospital.
Feel best I havev in years.
Going to be another nice day here today.
High of 55 today.
Mark up and cut the pan today, have to find some tubing to extend pickup tube. May go see if the one hardware store is open today, a couple 3/8”x6” pipe nipples will do the trick for sure.
Good Morning and Welcome!!
The Rev OMR has signaled he's ready and the MOPAR Coffee Sunday sunrise service will begin soon.
Let us laugh, share,, and hope the hell lighting doesn't strike.:eek:
A the hydraulics failed on the tractor yesterday, checked the level it is all milky like water contaminated, no idea how any got in there. Change it and the filters today and keep my fingers crossed. Of course the bucket and deck are down so have to drag it around. Danny thought she broke it mowing!
2 years ago or so, I only put 50 or so hours on it each year. Just bad timing Danny is having people over next weekend. Mostly family, a over night camp out in the back yard. just have to figure out how to flush it al out hoses, gear boxes, rams etc. Fi it and dump it then refill it? No idea the book has no info for it.
2 years ago or so, I only put 50 or so hours on it each year. Just bad timing Danny is having people over next weekend. Mostly family, a over night camp out in the back yard. just have to figure out how to flush it al out hoses, gear boxes, rams etc. Fi it and dump it then refill it? No idea the book has no info for it.
Tacos and beer for anyone that shows up early with a lawn mower...:rolleyes:
Good Morning
LOL seriously it is her problem. Figures get out the push mower grab the brake handle to start it POP goes that cable. Was not a happy camper yesterday to say the east.