Stop in for a cup of coffee

2 years ago or so, I only put 50 or so hours on it each year. Just bad timing Danny is having people over next weekend. Mostly family, a over night camp out in the back yard. just have to figure out how to flush it al out hoses, gear boxes, rams etc. Fi it and dump it then refill it? No idea the book has no info for it.
Google is your friend. Just ask the self appointed know it all....
2 years ago or so, I only put 50 or so hours on it each year. Just bad timing Danny is having people over next weekend. Mostly family, a over night camp out in the back yard. just have to figure out how to flush it al out hoses, gear boxes, rams etc. Fi it and dump it then refill it? No idea the book has no info for it.
That’s a pain. Yes,drain and refill. I assume its parked outside, but the vent/fill cap im sure should keep water out. A friends wife topped off the hydraulic oil from a pail that sat outside, pail had water in it and she didnt know any different, just poured it in.

If oil gets hot enough, the moisture will evaporate.

same woman poured a gallon of coolant into the engine oil. Then topped it off with the garden hose.
LOL seriously it is her problem. Figures get out the push mower grab the brake handle to start it POP goes that cable. Was not a happy camper yesterday to say the east.
I wired the lever the cable attatches to, then put a doorbell button to ground the coil as a kill switch. Hasnt been a problem since.
If you want I can come down today and haul it away for you...of course I will give you scrap price.
Just sucks. Was going to put the new bumpers on the R/T today, got them painted yesterday somehow. So al four tires are like new but bubbles/dryrot. Decided to re pave the road out front with them. WTF right?
LOL seriously it is her problem. Figures get out the push mower grab the brake handle to start it POP goes that cable. Was not a happy camper yesterday to say the east.
Sounds like all my machines over the last year. Almost every one had a problem. leaks, coils, carbs, pressure washer pump... Think everything works at the moment. But it's early. LOL
I wired the lever the cable attatches to, then put a doorbell button to ground the coil as a kill switch. Hasnt been a problem since.
There cheap. No way Marilyn would understand that. Had enough trouble with the brake handle and her. Looks like TSC has them.
Sounds like all my machines over the last year. Almost every one had a problem. leaks, coils, carbs, pressure washer pump... Think everything works at the moment. But it's early. LOL
Yup same here water pump threw a rod, now all the lawn stuff, chainsaw needs new gas lines. Just a cloud here but no rain which is needed!
2nd cup almost done. Was going to run welder in quonset but its too dam dark. So will fire up kubota and fork it into shop.
Not gonna say it runs perfect, but I think the ignition coil made a huge difference in the Neon. I still want to get some new plugs in it, but not that ambitious today. Tilled the garden and did a lot of ladder work this week. No cramps, but legs are feeling it... Think todays goal is to do as little as possible.
We are going to take a neighborhood 4 wheeler ride. The neighbor kid asked me to take them. Max and another friend will bring theirs and then we can haul all of the dang kids
Good morning everyone. Demon worked great in almost 90 degree weather. Stop and go traffic and freeway. Only hit 180 2 times. 180 tstat but typically runs at 175. 2500 @70 makes for a nice drive also. Nobody got hurt with the live swords either. Was a good day.
Good morning, two of our 5yr old granddaughters had a sleepover, they want cheeshey eggs for breakfast, then go to the playground park, go for a side-by-side ride , and......?
Gonna get near 90 today. Beautiful 75 with a light breeze now. Sitting on the porch rocker enjoying my 2nd cup. :thumbsup:
Just looked at my step count on phone. Normally I have been doing between 7 and 12k a day Mon-Sat. Had 4 days over 14k this week. Lowest day was just under 10k.
Just looked at my step count on phone. Normally I have been doing between 7 and 12k a day Mon-Sat. Had 4 days over 14k this week. Lowest day was just under 10k.

It doesn't count when you attach the phone to the dog and let him run around... :rolleyes: