Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning I guess. One of those nap nights up and down a few times...UGH!!
A little chilly in quonset this morning. No biggie,should warm up some if sky clears. Next week its going to be too hot in there.
Crisp and breezy but sun is out. We are on the mend from the 50⁰ and overcast/rain.
So, weather forecast hasn't changed for being dry at MITP, but Temps are climbing. Calling upper 80's. So, question. Leave scoop on the hood or take back off and run the tunnel ram poking thru, or just leave alone until we get back?
Did some oysters on the grill last night. Not going anywhere over the weekend, just getting things done around the property. Becky is making home made brats tonight, beer!

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We're just getting done with three days of rain on and off... Some good storms... Saw some good lightning bolts in the sky yesterday...

Hi in the low 60's today and maybe hit low 70's tomorrow....
You said "on and off" LOL
Morning I guess. One of those nap nights up and down a few times...UGH!!
Me too. Up at 3 for a drink of water and to get rid of some and couldn't get back to sleep. I just woke up a half hour ago and I never sleep that long. :mob:
A cool start to the day here in northeast Arkansas as well, 52 and cloudy, no rain and Sunday and Monday is sunny and in the 70es.
Everyone have a joyous week end.

Me too. Up at 3 for a drink of water and to get rid of some and couldn't get back to sleep. I just woke up a half hour ago and I never sleep that long. :mob:
Thats exactly what time I did, wake up for a drink and let some go...:lol:
You must have needed the rest Mike:thumbsup:
That's a beautiful Japanese Maple you have there Mikeee I like that rocking bench too.
Thank you, I planted it when it was just 10 inches tall at my old home place, when I built here everyone watched a thread here as I moved it, it was a big job and used a car jack and a bunch of soaking water time, @CudaChick1968 knows all about that tree, its 19 years old now I believe
I was bad at the show and shine last night. I only took 1 shot but a important one. 3 68's lined up next to each other. They all had a great time.