Stop in for a cup of coffee

I think I killed a zombie thread

Hope I didn't use too much force. Certainly didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings.
Yea I know :realcrazy:
Guilt - its inherited. LOL.
This guilt term you speak of.
Is it anything like remorse.
I often hear people use those terms.
What do they mean?
Loaded about 2,000 lbs of concrete and hauled it away.
No comment.
Ruh roh... Chris bought himself a fish fryer, what could possibly go wrong?!?

back story: my grandfather always did the fish frying well all the frying, they or my father in law. So I sat back and watch but never have tried it completely unsupervised. Luckily we survived without needing the fire department



Hope someone sliced up some potatos (and sweet potatoes if any left) to go with that!
Two things I don't eat, sweet potatoes, and fish.
Well maybe some Tuna, and grilled shrimp, but that's about it.
So this afternoon. I installed solar lighted the Flamingo lady bought a few weeks ago.
One set around the Gazebo, one around the koi pond.
High end stuff. I like how she buys stuff
I don't ask for with my money.
Anyway the have remotes . So first set I installed shut down when the sun set. Second setv I had installed about 2 hours later were still burning.
Grabbed a remote. First set comes back on 2nd set goes off.
Grab the other remote 2nd set on first off.
Guess I'll figure it out tomorrow.
Two things I don't eat, sweet potatoes, and fish.
Well maybe some Tuna, and grilled shrimp, but that's about it.
Nothing better than fresh caught walleye. can keep the sweet potatoes though.
I figured they would be on seperate frequencies.
I'll shut them both of manually tomorrow and start over. Have to admit they do look nice.
On some of those, they have a switch in the battery compartment or under the panel lid that you can program. Much like the old school electric garage door openers.
Two things I don't eat, sweet potatoes, and fish.
Well maybe some Tuna, and grilled shrimp, but that's about it.
I rarely eat fish. And when I do, has to be fried.

sweet potatoes I can’t stand at all
I rarely eat fish. And when I do, has to be fried.

sweet potatoes I can’t stand at all
You're missing out. They are good for you and very tasty. With butter, cinnamon, brown sugar, even topped with marshmallows.
You're missing out. They are good for you and very tasty. With butter, cinnamon, brown sugar, even topped with marshmallows.

if you have to load the things up with that much stuff to make them taste good, they aren’t as healthy as they would be raw...
Sugar, more sugar oh and some transfats on top of that haha

course I am not a healthy eater and I load salads up with half a gallon of dressing lol
You're missing out. They are good for you and very tasty. With butter, cinnamon, brown sugar, even topped with marshmallows.
Butter, cinnamon, and brown sugar would be better used to make cinnamon rolls and toss the
marshmallows in a cup of hot cocoa. :thumbsup:
if you have to load the things up with that much stuff to make them taste good, they aren’t as healthy as they would be raw...
Sugar, more sugar oh and some transfats on top of that haha

course I am not a healthy eater and I load salads up with half a gallon of dressing lol
Ha! I bake my sweets on the grille and ad a little margarine or butter and a sprinkle of brown sugar. I won't sell it if you don't like it.