Stop in for a cup of coffee

All the water lines here are 6-8 feet down. If not, more.
I have a cracked line that feeds the small garage, i put in a water tank and fill it as needed, then turn line off.
Back to fuel line disaster.
Yep. Our service line was leaking out by the shut off valve. (curb stop)
A tractor and backhoe to dig it up. It was 6' down. $1800 later.
Yep. Our service line was leaking out by the shut off valve. (curb stop)
A tractor and backhoe to dig it up. It was 6' down. $1800 later.
Screw that. Lol
I would do what Keefer is doing. 6ft hole in the ground.
I've done plenty. :rolleyes:
How many thousand cubic yards of concrete did I make to backfill all the piping of various uses at SLC 6? Dig that up with a shovel. I dares ya! :rofl:
Good Morning! :usflag:
I'm going to spend the day messing with my accelerator pump and trying to get a die set big enough to cut new threads on my steering shaft.
Yep! Yep! That thar am a hole in the ground. :poke:
Sometimes it really sucks to be right.:mad: Cant see it too good in pic, but there is a little stream of water off the top of small tube shooting out to the right. Mae is heading over to Home Depot in a moment for repair parts. I’m gonna chisel the old stuff loose in the block.

View attachment 1715745289 How many thousand cubic yards of concrete did I make to backfill all the piping of various uses at SLC 6? Dig that up with a shovel. I dares ya! :rofl:
haven't decided how I will backfill this yet. Maybe a couple bags of gravel an a paver or something over it. I can figure that out after the leak is resolved. Pretty sure the original backfill dragging it down is what killed it. The twist to line going to the pump ain't good, but does not look like it actually caused any of the problem. Should be able to fix both problems. Guess I won't be making it to that car show though :(
haven't decided how I will backfill this yet. Maybe a couple bags of gravel an a paver or something over it. I can figure that out after the leak is resolved. Pretty sure the original backfill dragging it down is what killed it. The twist to line going to the pump ain't good, but does not look like it actually caused any of the problem. Should be able to fix both problems. Guess I won't be making it to that car show though :(

Sand without rock is the preferred material on govt spec jobs I worked. 6" above and below. Reglar ole dirt above that should be fine.
Sand without rock is the preferred material on govt spec jobs I worked. 6" above and below. Reglar ole dirt above that should be fine.
Got it busted free. Big line is dimpled on bottom, but i think I will just put the small one back together and see if it holds. Wife called an told me she had a choice between 2 ft and 100 ft. So I’m buying a whole roll of the 1” to avoid a splice in the wall. :BangHead: They have same lengths available in the 1-1/4. So if I need to do that one I’m buying another roll.

Got it busted free. Big line is dimpled on bottom, but i think I will just put the small one back together and see if it holds. Wife called an told me she had a choice between 2 ft and 100 ft. So I’m buying a whole roll of the 1” to avoid a splice in the wall. :BangHead: They have same lengths available in the 1-1/4. So if I need to do that one I’m buying another roll.

View attachment 1715745328
Stainless couplings and all stainless clamps i hope...
Got fuel lines replaced. What a ***** of a job. Then they are labelled wrong, pressure and vapour. So no start. Flipped lines at tank and away it went.
3 hours. Chevelle next!
We got the beer brats cased then she started on the next batch this one with pork shoulder roast. Jalapeno and cheddar.


Been waiting almost 45 minutes for my telephone Dr’s appointment. Im waiting until 2:00 then im getting back to work.
Question, what is the largest fan will fit in 66 Dart with 22 rad? 18 inch? I have 6 blade 17 inch....Wondering...
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Water lines are back together. Primed the pump and it kicked right in. Think I've had enough for today. Gonna put a few things away and get cleaned up. Probably go get some sand and mortar mix - hopefully get it closed up in the morning.
Question, what is the largest fan will fit in 66 Dart with 22 rad? 18 inch? I have 7 blade 17 inch....Wondering...
I could easily check, if I had an engine in my car... Am going to buy a shroud and a fan in Carlisle ...
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Question, what is the largest fan will fit in 66 Dart with 22 rad? 18 inch? I have 7 blade 17 inch....Wondering...
I got two off a 67 Barracuda that I got last fall in the parts lot I bought. Maybe it's what your looking for??
I got two off a 67 Barracuda that I got last fall in the parts lot I bought. Maybe it's what your looking for??
Yep. I think 18 inch might be right....are they for a clutch type or direct bolt on?
I think I killed a zombie thread

Hope I didn't use too much force. Certainly didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings.
Yea I know :realcrazy:
Guilt - its inherited. LOL.