Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning all... Buddy is coming over later today, after it warms up, and we're going to hang some cabinets.
Football game I have interest in at 11 today, K-State vs West Virgina.
Other than that not much.
Morning all... Buddy is coming over later today, after it warms up, and we're going to hang some cabinets.
Football game I have interest in at 11 today, K-State vs West Virgina.
Other than that not much.

WVU has been sucking this year so KState fan should have a good day
OK guys.

Rookie question

Speedo cable

Is this worn or broken (or normal)


Normal, the end has a chip. I would cleann inner cable lube it and use it!

Good time to put new seals on the spedometer gear pinion.
Clean the inner part good and then lube it. I personaly use motorcycle chain lube on them others graphite.
Chris you have a air comprssor? If so Carb or break clean the inner part of the housing and then blow it out with air!
One eyed back read done. Lot of yappin. I put the summary in a word scramble. Yytyj fgiyre huh mpoiknhy eedchyu sre wrhhutg nvcxhyr rio eyuiofvhj.
Good Morning
On the plate today for me, curtain hanging, oh boy! These will be outdoor curtains, on the deck, wire, hooks, turnbuckles the whole shebang. Wife want an enclosed area around the fireplace to make room for family during Thanksgiving.
I get to paint a fence
this morning. No not white washed. Going to use airless....sprayer