Stop in for a cup of coffee

Off to the cancer doctor this morning. The wife had a bad mammogram and biopsy.
A couple pea sized areas. Hopefully they can remove them and some surrounding tissue and some light chemo.
Off to the cancer doctor this morning. The wife had a bad mammogram and biopsy.
Hope all goes well my friend.

We have a very bad ice storm heading for us, even the world news has said Jonesboro. It could be bad, we didn't have power for 7 days, but our electric company has done a good job cutting trees back away from power lines, this thing comes in today at noon.
62 here yesterday, rain comes in near noon, gets everything wet then it starts freezing, freezing rain accumulates on the power line, trees and even signs, last bad one we had like this every sonic drive in collapsed to the ground here in town, I am telling you it was bad, all I could hear was canon's going of witch was trees braking at the trucks in some cases. Not looking forward to this one, but I am prepared, 14 gallons of gas stored, 3 gas bottles full, deer meat and other foods to feed ourselves for at least 2 weeks, generator is good to go.
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Hope all goes well my friend.

We have a very bad ice storm heading for us, even the world news has said Jonesboro. It could be bad, we didn't have power for 7 days, but our electric company has done a good job cutting trees back away from power lines, this thing comes in today at noon.
I hope it blows right past you like it did us. They predicted a disaster and we didn't get much of anything here.
Hope all goes well my friend.

We have a very bad ice storm heading for us, even the world news has said Jonesboro. It could be bad, we didn't have power for 7 days, but our electric company has done a good job cutting trees back away from power lines, this thing comes in today at noon.

Stay safe and warm. Few hours to prep whatever you can.
62 here yesterday, rain comes in near noon, gets everything wet then it starts freezing, freezing rain accumulates on the power line, trees and even signs, last bad one we had like this every sonic drive in collapsed to the ground here in town, I am telling you it was bad, all I could hear was canon's going of witch was trees braking at the trucks in some cases. Not looking forward to this one, but I am prepared, 14 gallons of gas stored, 3 gas bottles full, dear meat and other foods to feed ourselves for at least 2 weeks, generator is good to go.

Dear meat? Has anyone gone missing?:lol:
Oh my!! I sometimes don't read or spell right, made for a good laugh :rofl: thank you GSS .
At least its not doing this in January!
IIRC last year crocusses were out around march 1.
I looked back through my photos. First of March last year we still has snow. First of April, flowers.

That's funny.
I also keep a photo folder to track what is where and when it comes up and flowers.
I really need to organize my photos that way. Mine are all I date order. Good for something like this but not for finding bourbon bottles I bought. LOL
Last night at work was more of a Monday than Monday was! :BangHead: Happy Wednesday! Starting today we are no masks at work again!:thumbsup: