Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hopefully mine are around 6-8 pounds this year. Biggest one out of the pond was 5 so far.

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I think I am going to draw out a little cash today, get some .410 shells, and stock up on some canned and dry goods today. I don't need enough to live forever but enough to get buy for a few weeks or more. You never know.
Right now hopefully you can find what you need. Local news was showing a rush on the food stores.
Right now hopefully you can find what you need. Local news was showing a rush on the food stores.
Right now I have enough for a while. Quite a bit in the freezer but if the power grid goes away................
Gas definately will be going up. I might fill a barrel today with off road diesel for the shop and tractor.
Thats what Cindy the owner of the beer store said. Figure I would get some on order for Tim.
Hopefully mine are around 6-8 pounds this year. Biggest one out of the pond was 5 so far.
I would hit a bait store every other month and add a few dozen large minows, not unless you have a good population of brim, they love eating, almost as much as a shark