Stop in for a cup of coffee

I read today that the financial places are bracing for a cyber-attack. I think it's time to go pull some cash.
That is actually scary to me. I wonder if someone can get a payment from you just by being close.
I bundled up yesterday and made my way to the shop to get out of the house (wife working from home) and built a fire in the stove. Organization of all my tools and sipped on some bourbon on ice.
Not sure what today will bring.

Yesterday, and yes, its all down hill from here


Link it to your smart watch and you don't even have to get your phone out
Its all so convenient, but a disaster for people like my mom. Low tech. Almost 90 years old.

i could get into a story, but its related to our govt,and it clearly showed our vulnerability in the last week.
Not trying to push religion on anyone but in Revelation that old duffer sitting there on the island writing this all down...."Giant Locust with fire flying from is mouth". How do you think someone from back then would describe a helicopter if they never saw one? "No one will buy or sell without the mark of the Beast".....Computer chip in your hand? Just saying. I confess it makes me wonder.
When I was on the tool truck, my charge card processing cost me 2 1/2%. It was a couple thousand $$ a year. Convenient way to pay but a hit in the pocket book unless you charge more. I had a global price update feature in my software that could bump the price a few %.
Its all so convenient, but a disaster for people like my mom. Low tech. Almost 90 years old.

i could get into a story, but its related to our govt,and it clearly showed our vulnerability in the last week.
I think a lot of governments are feeling that this week.
Hopefully people will realize that and make some changes in November.
Not trying to push religion on anyone but in Revelation that old duffer sitting there on the island writing this all down...."Giant Locust with fire flying from is mouth". How do you think someone from back then would describe a helicopter if they never saw one? "No one will buy or sell without the mark of the Beast".....Computer chip in your hand? Just saying. I confess it makes me wonder.
I’ve often wondered if the Vax is the “mark of the beast”....
A couple inches of snow overnight. Just enough to move quickly with the blower and a little shoveling.

I was going to say "hand work" but I figured I shouldn't in this crowd. :rofl::poke::rofl:

What I got with the cold....I don't think a snow blower would get it. I can walk on top of the sleet and ice
We probably have 3-4 inches on ground, just enough to make me pick working on the Duster over clearing limbs this weekend : ) I sold the last pile of logs, guy's been coming out buzzing up a few piles then will start on those. He's a Mopar nut, 3 Dodge trucks and a Duster.