Stop in for a cup of coffee

I wonder if they still refuse $ 50.00 Bills
A Few us us were at a Resturant around 83-84. Tried to pay the bill .
We don't except Yankee trash money.
Wow never had that one. Of course, having lived down there I usually walk in and with my southern draw belt out "Hi how ya all doing today" and get a "fine"in reply. Cheryl just shakes her head.
Couple of places I have been last year refused cash card only! Bet that will be the standard in a few years.

Try Black Rifle Coffee Company. I haven't personally had any acidity issues with any of their coffee. Many at work have said the same. I like the Beyond Black variety the best. And they are all Vets and have great commercials.
Good Morning everyone. Short day at work today, then see about what I can do on the car this weekend. We got about 4" of snow last night and some drifting so cleanup of that will be first I guess. I do need to change out a headlight on the truck and I think I need a new master cylinder on the old Caddy. Always something....
OK.. time to get the heartrate up and sweat out some weakness. :eek:

See ya in a bit
a must do , it's 20 degrees outside so the treadmill will have to do .

Looks like an invite to me , you two have a good evening.

Definately looks like a sheet of ice outside.
it's colder then .. ah... well it's friggin cold this morning here thats for sure, might hit 34 by 3pm.. this ice ain't going anywhere soon buddy
Ya, 7:30 pm on Friday here. Gonna go practice karaoke in Viet language for a while, so I don't embarrass myself next time out with friends....:thumbsup:
Ya, 7:30 pm on Friday here. Gonna go practice karaoke in Viet language for a while, so I don't embarrass myself next time out with friends....:thumbsup:
Hey when I was in Bosnia a long time ago and the locals didn't speak much English.
Put an Elvis tape on and they knew all the words in perfect English.
Couple of places I have been last year refused cash card only! Bet that will be the standard in a few years.
Lots of places around here have gone the opposite. Card fees are killing mom and pops and even some smaller chains.

that said, gas stations have gone card only around here, at the pump and inside. But that’s due mostly to a giant spike in gas station hold ups. We went from several years of them being very rare, like maybe 1-2 a year to now a couple a week
Lots of places around here have gone the opposite. Card fees are killing mom and pops and even some smaller chains.

that said, gas stations have gone card only around here, at the pump and inside. But that’s due mostly to a giant spike in gas station hold ups. We went from several years of them being very rare, like maybe 1-2 a year to now a couple a week

Pulling out cash these days is like it used to be when the person in front of you pulled out a checkbook.....

There are a couple of gas stations nearby that give a 3 or.4 cent/gal discount for cash
We need to work on putting an end to that.
Thats the way it is going. Most transactions will be some form of cyber. Easy for the Governments to track unfortunately. I was in the cigarete store. There was actually a michine there that you can buy Bitcoin etc. Right next to the state run slot machines!
Pulling out cash these days is like it used to be when the person in front of you pulled out a checkbook.....

There are a couple of gas stations nearby that give a 3 or.4 cent/gal discount for cash
Checkbook-cash- now hold up your phone wallet app and they scan it for a payment.
Personally, I don't think I'll ever be able do that.
What’s that Tom Cruise movie again? The one where the gooberment tracks every move including thoughts? Mind Report or something like that?