Stop in for a cup of coffee

Because I have a 20 year old son in college... And a nephew who is already at the Ukraine boarder. There was something on the bottom of the page talking about no fly zone - I needed to hear more. It was in reference about Russian flights to US. Misleading as true No Fly Zone would bring us involved more than we are. Also, regardless of Political Affiliation, he is our Commander in Chief, they all have been, I felt compelled to listen. I may have been yelling at the TV, but that is besides the point.

And so it goes

The local college basketball team we attend games and watch every year (Cheryl played for them many years ago) is playing their league championship beginning today in Kansas City. It's a noon game women's game today.
On the way home she wants to stop at a huge furniture store for dinner and drinks.
Yep, you can get a drink and walk through the store. That could be dangerous.
We need nothing, but she thought it'd be fun...ok let's go.

It's a trap...
Because I have a 20 year old son in college... And a nephew who is already at the Ukraine boarder. There was something on the bottom of the page talking about no fly zone - I needed to hear more. It was in reference about Russian flights to US. Misleading as true No Fly Zone would bring us involved more than we are. Also, regardless of Political Affiliation, he is our Commander in Chief, they all have been, I felt compelled to listen. I may have been yelling at the TV, but that is besides the point.
He put me to sleep in about 2 minutes. All I remember from his rambling was the introduction
Dam just pulled some meat out of the freezer for tonight noticed a pound of ground beef was 5.99 Holy crap! That was local no idea what it is in the commisary. Whats it in your area?
Not getting political here but I tod the wife when they upped the min wage to 15 everything will go up and they will still be making say 8 a hour. Dam I am a
Guess its time. SSS and off to work. Letting truck warm up a little before i drive it 300 feet to work:lol:probably where its sitting is where i burn the most gas some days.
One good thing here a magor local supermarket chain is converting to just buying all meat/poultry from local farms. They are hailing it in the news. Hey isnt that how it used to work?
Not getting political here but I tod the wife when they upped the min wage to 15 everything will go up and they will still be making say 8 a hour. Dam I am a
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Min wage goes up,cant afford to give higher ups a raise. So those that were getting above min wage,are now earning min wage. In a thousand years, min wage will be 1,000 an hour.
Got a 4 am text from my sister. Mom's O2 is down to mid 80's. They put her on oxygen and got ti up to 89 so far. Sounds like Karl's bout with pneumonia. Both have had Covid.
Make everything here, buy everything here, raise wages, tax businesses, lower drug costs, cheaper healthcare = lower inflation and easier on the public? Did I miss a class in school?
Only 11 days till Daylight Savings!!! Worked a little late yesterday, was warmer, would have been ok with a little more daylight!
Ask 'em to change the schedule.
I don't understand why people get so hung up on what the state clock sez.
If it makes sense to start half hour earlier, why does it matter if the clock sez 7:30 or 6:30? Just go to work half earlier. It's nuts! :realcrazy:
Fargo cold start today. Wonder if it will go.
Make everything here, buy everything here, raise wages, tax businesses, lower drug costs, cheaper healthcare = lower inflation and easier on the public? Did I miss a class in school?
I think somewhere along the line those basics got missed!
One more needed. Be prepared!
I mean just for the simple basic back up plans for when things go wrong. I mean reasonably likely stuff such as some water on a trip in case getting stuck in traffic, or some extra food in house in case of any number reasons where you cant get to the supermarket.
Those days are over. I still have the Triumph up in the loft. Seriously doubt I will ever get to it now.

Those days are over. I still have the Triumph up in the loft. Seriously doubt I will ever get to it now.
Had a 750 Tiger. Beautiful bike. Got tired of kickstarting it with a bulged lumbar disc. And damn Lucas electrics. :mob::mob::lol: (bad photo. Rear wheel looks skewed)

