Stop in for a cup of coffee


I too love revolvers, I compete with a SnW in revolver class. I prefer full lug, pinned and recessed! 357 is my favorite round as I can load up light 38s and shoot it for very little cost. My 29s are pigs for powder! But they are fun.

I've eyeballed the Coonan for a while. Maybe when I retire again :lol:
Not for early it did not...the original one had a wire going to the rheostat, down in the tank....If I remember correctly..
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Customer stopped in. He seems happy with the progress. Indicated at somewhere around the 200 hour mark is what is in the budget for me. I dont want to be in it for that long, but it is what it is. So a coffee then back at it.
Customer stopped in. He seems happy with the progress. Indicated at somewhere around the 200 hour mark is what is in the budget for me. I dont want to be in it for that long, but it is what it is. So a coffee then back at it.
I charged my BIL a grand for re wiring his Blazer. He balked. WTF do people think time is worth? I had over 100 hours in to it...
Got at the small pile with the chainsaw. All down to burn lengths. Still need to split most of it…

Amounts may vary, but looks like tomorrow’s snow is a sure thing now. Good thing- cause this is all I had left! :poke: @Sublime one

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That's supposed to be a hell of a storm once it's gets up to NY and into Canada, at least that's what the weather guessers are saying. Lots of snow and wind too
That's supposed to be a hell of a storm once it's gets up to NY and into Canada, at least that's what the weather guessers are saying. Lots of snow and wind too

45mph gusts expected here.... which means they'll be closer to 55 here in the valley as it gets channeled.