Stop in for a cup of coffee

They are 102 wide. Same as the trailer width. At the outside of the wheels..
I have a recip blade,3 TPI, should work! I use it for railroad ties mostly.
It's the stroke that makes a big difference. (Que Karl) The ful sized saws-all's have a fairly long stroke and don't work too bad on wood cutting and the like. Smaller cordless recip saws have a short stroke and regardless of the blade are not animals in the cutting department. Air saws are like cutting with a dull butter knife.
It's the stroke that makes a big difference. (Que Karl) The ful sized saws-all's have a fairly long stroke and don't work too bad on wood cutting and the like. Smaller cordless recip saws have a short stroke and regardless of the blade are not animals in the cutting department. Air saws are like cutting with a dull butter knife.
So Menards had a small electric detailing saw with blades for plastics and plexiglass for 30 bucks. Figure I’ll give it a shot.
Good morning everyone. Had a 2 hr weapons class today. Took my boy out for a big breakfast first. Thinking a nap in my future...

And my boy went with me while I tried Pha short rib soup yesterday. Delicious

So I got creative. Took a scrap piece of paneling I’d laying around transfered my trace to it, sandwiched the plexiglass between the paneling and boom, worked great. Pics to follow
So, I pulled the Demon outside to hear the new exhaust, see the new stance, and the look with the new front wheels. I like! Can't wait for the hood and Spring!

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