Stop in for a cup of coffee

He got bored. Just hope he doesn't go the way of Payton and hang around too long
We got this! :lol:

8 hours to upload a 22 minute vid onto youtube. Think it may be the audio, as there is fan noise.
So the cornhole saga continues. Two weeks ago, my gal had some custom made clothes done at a small tailor. When we picked them up two weeks ago, I showed them what I wanted for the throwing bags. I even ripped the page out of my notebook with detailed information, and gave it to her. Chin called her three days ago to ask about the bags. The woman told her that she forgot. Then two minutes later she calls Chin back and asks what the size of the bags were and what the weight was. WTF??. I said where is the paper I gave you. She said I don't know. Today I went by there to speak to her and she didn't even recognize me at first. But after I showed her the picture of the cornhole set with the bags then she remembered. Well apparently the boss or the husband was there this time. I took out my notebook and drew out detailed drawings again. Explaining the size and the weight of each bag four one color and four another. Now they told me that they will have them ready on Thursday. We will see. Also I went by to look at the cornhole tables and I'm having a different furniture maker make. Told us he had one ready for me to look at. When I got there today it wasn't finished yet but he told me they would both be finished tomorrow. On goes to saga of the cornhole in Vietnam set. Ha, only been working on this project for 5 weeks now....:wtf::soapbox:
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I was talking to someone over the weekend about Carlisle in July.
The question with the ever-increasing price of gas may put a big hit on attendance this year.
Zman, can you talk to some of your SWAT buddies about leaving cover on front of red dot please? Looks like it is counter intuitive but leaving front covered when in transition low light to day light seems to speed target acquisition? Example, going from out doors breaching to indoors. I experimented this weekend with electrical tape over front of red dot and shot a precision target at high speed. Oddly enough I could see everything. It was like the tape was not there. Very odd.



Zman, can you talk to some of your SWAT buddies about leaving cover on front of red dot please? Looks like it is counter intuitive but leaving front covered when in transition low light to day light seems to speed target acquisition? Example, going from out doors breaching to indoors. I experimented this weekend with electrical tape over front of red dot and shot a precision target at high speed. Oddly enough I could see everything. It was like the tape was not there. Very odd.

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Been puzzling on this since you mentioned it. Seems to me the practice turns the red dot into an iron sight and is intended reduce "aiming". I shoot both eyes open in tactical/ instinctive fire anyhow and think this technique would make that more natural.

:lol::lol: what a waste of a good grinder. :lol::lol:
Speaking of. I bought a rechargeable Dremel last week, came in Friday, charged it all day Saturday and Sunday, went to use it last night, dang thing stalls out and dies in less than 10-15 seconds. Sending that sucker back.