Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning everyone. I hope all is well. Didn't get much done over the weekend. Tinkered with my boy's rat rod. We hope to drive both of them to a Rockabilly hot rod show in Aug.
Speaking of. I bought a rechargeable Dremel last week, came in Friday, charged it all day Saturday and Sunday, went to use it last night, dang thing stalls out and dies in less than 10-15 seconds. Sending that sucker back.
Real dremel brand?
Speaking of. I bought a rechargeable Dremel last week, came in Friday, charged it all day Saturday and Sunday, went to use it last night, dang thing stalls out and dies in less than 10-15 seconds. Sending that sucker back.
That's too bad. I have one that I used on the tool truck for quite a few years. It has been perfect. You must have gotten a bad battery or they robbed some cells for a Tesla! :poke::poke::rofl::rofl:
Speaking of. I bought a rechargeable Dremel last week, came in Friday, charged it all day Saturday and Sunday, went to use it last night, dang thing stalls out and dies in less than 10-15 seconds. Sending that sucker back.

I have my old one (corded) that I've had for years. The flex attachment is the shiznit

Zman, can you talk to some of your SWAT buddies about leaving cover on front of red dot please? Looks like it is counter intuitive but leaving front covered when in transition low light to day light seems to speed target acquisition? Example, going from out doors breaching to indoors. I experimented this weekend with electrical tape over front of red dot and shot a precision target at high speed. Oddly enough I could see everything. It was like the tape was not there. Very odd.

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I will. We have one of them retiring this week with a get together Saturday night.
That's too bad. I have one that I used on the tool truck for quite a few years. It has been perfect. You must have gotten a bad battery or they robbed some cells for a Tesla! :poke::poke::rofl::rofl:
It’s an 8220, but yeah. Oh well.
Mikie had a couple over Sunday that arrived at 1pm, he is a shooter so ..... let's just say I have a pile of singles and a couple fives, not saying I am a better shooter but he was sipping my bourbon :lol:... he was relentless :lol:.. I think he must have been paying for my bourbon and my time... one of the better evenings in a while.

Hope everyone has a good day, and let me thank @toolmanmike this morning, lets just say he helps keep me straight on these foggy mornings.

Fly by this morning.


So I had a pile of ignition catalogs/illustrated parts guides I needed to file. Holy crap do I have a bunch of them. I picked up some Mopar binders and finally put them in alphabetical order. I love those binders they are indestructible.

I scored them I think last year at spring Carlisle for $3 each, should have bought more, just did not want to carry more than 5 around all day.
Think i have moverd that firebird door full circle and finally have it as close as i can get it. Time to start cutting. Rocker day!
So I had a pile of ignition catalogs/illustrated parts guides I needed to file. Holy crap do I have a bunch of them. I picked up some Mopar binders and finally put them in alphabetical order. I love those binders they are indestructible.

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Those binders are built Mopar tough!
The binders you get at say staples of the same quality are 30 or so. The mopar ones can be expanded out pretty far also around 9" or so. Thats alot of books.
I have a catalogue rack, just no place to really place it. It is full of sun books right now.