Stop in for a cup of coffee

The good thing is once you had it your good from what I read.
When Cheryl and the Granddaughter had it, they both were here for a week isolating.
I took care of them and didn't get chit...natural immunity!!
I really think it's a fluke. I've been around the covid for the last 3 years coming in and out of America Korea Vietnam China all different places and I have never contacted covid. If I do have it? Maybe I just have good genes?
On a side note I did pick up the bags for the cornhole game today from a different maker. I thought when she brought the bag to the car it was a little small. I looked inside just bags no corn had been installed. But the good news is it only cost $6 to have eight bags made. I will have my housemaid fill them with dried corn feed and sew them closed
I really think it's a fluke. I've been around the covid for the last 3 years coming in and out of America Korea Vietnam China all different places and I have never contacted covid. If I do have it? Maybe I just have good genes?
If she's coughing a lot make sure it doesn't turn into pneumonia. That's where it can turn into a problem.
For $20 we bought an oxygen level reader. It fits on a finger tip and gives you an oxygen and heart rate reading in a minute.
Just below freezing, and forecaster says rain and snow.
Dammit! I should move firebird back into shop,so i dont have a battle with it tomorrow….nah, i can plow, probably will have to anyway.
I don't know how accurate these quick tests are in Vietnam. But she was feeling bad for a few days and coughing a lot. So she tested positive, bought two tests so I also tested. Apparently we are both positive. But I don't feel zero
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Run roh, hope you all get thru it quickly and safely
Well I made food.not the normal Zucchini, Eggplant, peppers and onions. Tossed in a can of crush Tomatoe and chilli peppers.and some


I don't know how accurate these quick tests are in Vietnam. But she was feeling bad for a few days and coughing a lot. So she tested positive, bought two tests so I also tested. Apparently we are both positive. But I don't feel zero
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Dam man hope it is wrong!
The prison where I work became the Covid testing center for the whole states prisons. They are there 21 days with 4 tests and when they clear they go to another prison. We had entire blocks under full quarantine. Masks don't work because everyone had to wear them. And you may think there were some that wouldn't follow orders but if you didn't the inmates were quick to put in a grievance. SO everyone wore them. ANd there were staff that had Covid multiple times over the 2 years
The prison where I work became the Covid testing center for the whole states prisons. They are there 21 days with 4 tests and when they clear they go to another prison. We had entire blocks under full quarantine. Masks don't work because everyone had to wear them. And you may think there were some that wouldn't follow orders but if you didn't the inmates were quick to put in a grievance. SO everyone wore them. ANd there were staff that had Covid multiple times over the 2 years
That has to suck,
Morning fellers. Thanks again for the beautiful flowers for Mom's funeral and the box of bourbon (and Boones Farm) for me. You guys are tops!
I am one of the ones who didn't get it. It will get less with symptoms but you can get it again. But you don't have to believe me. I don't know chit about anything
I am one of the ones who didn't get it. It will get less with symptoms but you can get it again. But you don't have to believe me. I don't know chit about anything

Hey at least you admit it!:rofl:

I agree with you I know a few people that had it twice. But I kind of wonder if say you had it do you always show positive on a test and think you have it if you get a cold? Ammune is that you carry antibodies of it right?
I don't know. All I know is apparently I tested positive but I don't feel sick at all. And she is not all that sick either really just a small cough. I'm just surprised I haven't contacted it in the last 3 years with all the travel, or maybe I did and didn't know it