Stop in for a cup of coffee


We had one class that their motto was "F- smooth... Fast is Fast"

172 points of inspection in 2 minutes or less
I cleaned it up a bit for audience but yes that is what I was gracefully referring to! We tended to chuckle with the slow is smooth smooth is fast crew! A couple hundred rounds later I am close…..but missed it by that much. From concealment 3 in alpha box then 2 in brain box in less than 2secs. Arghh!


I have one sitting right here. It'll go into use this weekend. Drums are harder to find. The ones on the Eastwood site are about the same price
The drums on Eastwood or the tool?
I have one sitting right here. It'll go into use this weekend. Drums are harder to find. The ones on the Eastwood site are about the same price
How about ridges and curves? Flat look great.. And you have to be careful not to sand away body lines...
Wow price ha dropped on that thing. They were over 300 when they first came out. Question is, is that a better tool than a DA sander

Guess it depends on the application.... I watched the videos and did some reading. For what I'm doing on the undercarriage I think it's a better tool
Sweet, happened to be at the store when they got a shipment of trees in, bought the only two fruit trees they had, a pair of pears haha
Good Morning!

Today I went out in the duster to get some gas because I thought it was almost empty. (my gas stick is not too accurate)
It only took 6.5 gallons. So quick math, 88miles/6.4 gallons= 14.6666666666666666666666666666MPG! thats a hell of a lot better than I thought!
And last night I took out the heater control and the control panel since I want to mount gauges there and while I was at it I ripped out the carpet. i had previously patched the carpet with rubber floor mats and when I took it out, the floor mats had melted to the floor.
The laser thermometer said ERROR when I tried to measure it so that means the floor is over 120deg. at the minimum.
The heat tape I ordered will be here this afternoon:lol:
Wow price ha dropped on that thing. They were over 300 when they first came out. Question is, is that a better tool than a DA sander
oh and chris.....
you were half right about the ballast bypass. I tried to drive it to school and it was backfiring and popping all over the place.
Singed my points a little bit. whoops.