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Welding slag story 1
Imparted to us apprentices by our instructor. He was master mechanic for a local construction general contractor.
One of their Cat scrapers the welds around the pivot point on the goose neck to the scraper can was badly cracked.
Welds had to be scarfed out with an air arc, 10' off the ground from a ladder and re-welded.
His welder associate was on it while the intstructor was busy with another issue on the tractor.
Ernie hears a crash and then screaming "ERNIE! CUT MY BOOT OFF ERNIE!"
Found his welder laying on the ground next the ladder holding his left leg in his hands screaming.
Big ball of slagg from the air arc got to his boot laces, burned a hole through the tongue of his boot and continued to burn a 1/2" diameter hole in the top of his foot.
Ernie cut the boot off and poured water over the foot to put the fire out.
Poor guy was off work 3 weeks while it healed up
My next opportunity I went shopping for slip on boots suitable for working construction.
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Welding slag story 1
Imparted to us apprentices by our instructor. He was master mechanic for a local construction general contractor.
One of their Cat scrapers the welds around the pivot point on the goose neck to the scraper can was badly cracked.
Welds had to be scarfed out with an air arc, 10' off the ground from a ladder and re-welded.
His welder associate was on it while the intstructor was busy with another issue on the tractor.
Ernie hears a crash and then screaming "ERNIE! CUT MY BOOT OFF ERNIE!"
Found his welder laying on the ground next the ladder holding his left leg in his hands screaming.
Big ball of slagg from the air arc got to his boot laces, burned a hole through the tongue of his boot and continued to burn a 1/2" diameter hole in the top of his foot.
Ernie cut the boot off and poured water over the foot to put the fire out.
Poor guy was off work 3 weeks while it healed up
My next opportunity I went shopping for slip on boots suitable for working construction.
Yep been there.
Have a hot one roll done your sleeve while on a 40 ft ladder doing overhead
Down the sleeve ,into the shirt on to the pants all the way into the boot.
Good times
Yep been there.
Have a hot one roll done your sleeve while on a 40 ft ladder doing overhead
Down the sleeve ,into the shirt on to the pants all the way into the boot.
Good times

My co-worker was inside a rock cone crusher scarfing something out of it. I smelt burning cotton, turned around and saw smoke, grabbed the nearby water hose. "Put down the torch!" I yelled. Hosed him down below his belt. He climbs out of the crusher and one leg of his Levis was now 6" shorter than the other :eek: :lol: and he never felt a thing until the cold water. :lol:
Yep been there.
Have a hot one roll done your sleeve while on a 40 ft ladder doing overhead
Down the sleeve ,into the shirt on to the pants all the way into the boot.
Good times
I had a molten slag ball nearly miss mine. One inch to the left could have been bad news. :mob::rofl:
find a steel c clamp at the garage sale or swap meet, cut the stationary side off for the height you like and weld a piece of 3/8 or 1/2" strap on there, cross ways from the one showing, you may need the extra depth some time. Tack weld it to your work, make the welds, cut the tacks and on the the next time ya need it.
View attachment 1715913939 find a steel c clamp at the garage sale or swap meet, cut the stationary side off for the height you like and weld a piece of 3/8 or 1/2" strap on there, cross ways from the one showing, you may need the extra depth some time. Tack weld it to your work, make the welds, cut the tacks and on the the next time ya need it.
That’s what I did. Works well
Raining cats and dogs and moose! And tunderin!Sump pump float hung up. Water in basement. Turns out the mrs was moving the hose that submersible is connected to and caused float to stick. At least shes learned to stop yelling from the bottom of the stairs. Chose to deal with it.
View attachment 1715913939 find a steel c clamp at the garage sale or swap meet, cut the stationary side off for the height you like and weld a piece of 3/8 or 1/2" strap on there, cross ways from the one showing, you may need the extra depth some time. Tack weld it to your work, make the welds, cut the tacks and on the the next time ya need it.


Lots of tricks of the trade out there
Raining cats and dogs and moose! And tunderin!Sump pump float hung up. Water in basement. Turns out the mrs was moving the hose that submersible is connected to and caused float to stick. At least shes learned to stop yelling from the bottom of the stairs. Chose to deal with it.

Aquatic chaos Frank!

Hope you get it managed