Stop in for a cup of coffee

I am Doing a total me and my Valiant weekend. No phones, no house guests.
Washed The Valiant yesterday.
Going to pull out the buffer and spank it after breakfast.
Just a Me and my car weekend.
Tell you what this is only the second time I parked outside, usually have a sticker. The armory I parked at for free in the past, but it is Carlisle's now, so across the street. 10 to park 12 to get in. Forgot about all that.
Good morning men. Going to take dart out today for a test and tune cruise.... Going to be in the 80s.
Finally took some pics of all the landscaping we’ve been doing. The limestone was all hauled in and placed by the landscape company. All the designs though were my ideas. The rock along the driveway was an idea to get rid of an impossible slope to mow. That’s about 30 tons of 2-4 inch river rock. Good think I had a friend who has a rock company. The regular price with delivery wasn’t cheap. The picture of the detached garage shows the concrete we poured to expand the driveway and make area more user friendly.






Finally took some pics of all the landscaping we’ve been doing. The limestone was all hauled in and placed by the landscape company. All the designs though were my ideas. The rock along the driveway was an idea to get rid of an impossible slope to mow. That’s about 30 tons of 2-4 inch river rock. Good think I had a friend who has a rock company. The regular price with delivery wasn’t cheap. The picture of the detached garage shows the concrete we poured to expand the driveway and make area more user friendly.

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Wow, that's looking really nice!
Finally took some pics of all the landscaping we’ve been doing. The limestone was all hauled in and placed by the landscape company. All the designs though were my ideas. The rock along the driveway was an idea to get rid of an impossible slope to mow. That’s about 30 tons of 2-4 inch river rock. Good think I had a friend who has a rock company. The regular price with delivery wasn’t cheap. The picture of the detached garage shows the concrete we poured to expand the driveway and make area more user friendly.

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I like the little tree, is it a weeping Alaskan Cedar or ? We want 2 or 3 for the front of our house, several different varieties to chose from.
Our boy is out the whole weekend. He told us don’t even try getting ahold of him!

Lots of gobbles. We got in about half an hour before the sun started to come up and has birds gobbling all around us. We counted 4 distinct gobbles. Got to see some birds fly down from the roost then we heard the hens. Managed to call one bird away from the hens but he never gave us a shot. Still a perfect morning in the woods though.
