Stop in for a cup of coffee

(Pushbutton T.F. 904)
It was fine, then I changed the cooler lines and now it's like the Park does not disengage and the pushbuttons go from total mush (no resistance at all) to being very difficult to depress.... and the car does not go into gear at all
Did you blow out the new lines and flush the cooler. I took my radiator to the trans shop and he flushed it out.
Pretty bad *** 130. I helped work on one once in the desert. They did not have a avionics guy with them. Not the J one the older AC-130. Pretty cool gave me a coin and some spent shells from it. Still have them.

Wasn't a huge fan of when they swapped the howitzer for another mini gun but the platform was great to work with
Did you blow out the new lines and flush the cooler. I took my radiator to the trans shop and he flushed it out.

I read a bunch on flushing and there seemed to be a bit of disagreement on the value or potential impact of that... so decided to not do that at this point. I'll see if the issue persists after I change the filter and adjust the Park cable
I read a bunch on flushing and there seemed to be a bit of disagreement on the value or potential impact of that... so decided to not do that at this point. I'll see if the issue persists after I change the filter and adjust the Park cable
We’ll all I know is it can help.
Wasn't a huge fan...
Good Morning All! Quite a back read, lots of pics! Gunships to Warthogs to Tanks to tube cars, I think you all have it covered!
Fun thing I get to do today is add hardware cloth around the perimeter of my garden. Have to till first to lower dirt a bit and remove weeds, add weedblock then use hog rings to attach to chain links. Damn rabbits are nibbling, already ate some sunflowers, don't want them deciding they like my peas or green beans!
Fun thing I get to do today is add hardware cloth around the perimeter of my garden. Have to till first to lower dirt a bit and remove weeds, add weedblock then use hog rings to attach to chain links. Damn rabbits are nibbling, already ate some sunflowers, don't want them deciding they like my peas or green beans!
Before I had chicken wire around mine, the rabbits were mostly a problem when plants were small. Especially green beans. They would eat the entire plant. If they survived to about a foot tall, I could usually consider them safe.
I see now that birds can fly through my 1/2 inch netting, went to chase one out sure that it would go for the bottom of the net and find a low spot but he poked right through. Robins can't make it but the sparrow types can so next year I'm changing it out for a smaller weave.
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Well we went to the cruise in last night, ended up sipping beverages until about midnight. Fun night, Demon ran great. Here are some pix. The GTO may have been my best in show or the Ford truck for non Mopars. The red truck I thought was very innovative look at how he did bed rail.

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Love that nice Power wagon.
Good morning Tim, looks like the rain here is moving out, got another 2 1/2 inches this morning.

Everyone have a nice day, heading to Cave city Arkansas for the watermelon festival, best watermelons in the world, and they know it, 15 bucks a peice :wtf::) they are the best we have ever tasted.
Another coat of paint done. Guess i should move some more stuff and get to mowing grass.
Morning, Looks like a good turnout John. Nice morning here, 62 now high of 85, I'll take it. No rain here till next week maybe.
Wow Kentucky got hammered with flooding
Boats in the streets - not good. No true flooding here, but some flash flooding nearby earlier this week, Lots of branches and crap on the roads coming home Wednesday night. Occasional rain today, then looking decent for the weekend.
So my AC condenser on Diesel has a leak on end where a bracket attaches right to the thin end tube. Question to the wealth of knowledge and experience here, has anyone ever had any luck heliarcing the thin aluminum tubes for a repair? I think I am going to make a run at it since I don’t want to buy a condenser, they are not cheap!
So my AC condenser on Diesel has a leak on end where a bracket attaches right to the thin end tube. Question to the wealth of knowledge and experience here, has anyone ever had any luck heliarcing the thin aluminum tubes for a repair? I think I am going to make a run at it since I don’t want to buy a condenser, they are not cheap!
Got a tig?
Wow Kentucky got hammered with flooding
My Buddy Vince Boggs lives in Pound Va., which is all the way in the SW corner of Va. Borders Kentucky and Tennessee . Saw on the news here, they are having huge problems in Pound also...Need to call Vince...
My Buddy Vince Boggs lives in Pound Va., which is all the way in the SW corner of Va. Borders Kentucky and Tennessee . Saw on the news here, they are having huge problems in Pound also...Need to call Vince...
The Guard is doing Evacs there . Hope he’s ok. I’m actually not on standby for once for that.