Stop in for a cup of coffee


Artemis I
Was so busy cleaning the house and the bathtubs and showers this morning I didn't eat breakfast but I did eat lunch. Been a long time since I had a hot roast beef sandwich. Leftover roast beef from the crock pot. My mom used to do this all the time and I really missed it. It was awesome.
Was so busy cleaning the house and the bathtubs and showers this morning I didn't eat breakfast but I did eat lunch. Been a long time since I had a hot roast beef sandwich. Leftover roast beef from the crock pot. My mom used to do this all the time and I really missed it. It was awesome.
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Looks delish.
I'm not rich, but I do like to eat good. Which means I usually have to make it all myself. Lol :rofl:

DIY tends to be better... Meat and a veggie is where I go so I like what I do better than most restaurants... Kinda like my mixed drinks. I think mine are put together better than most places I go.... I have a couple of locations that do a better job than me but that can get pricey.
Was so busy cleaning the house and the bathtubs and showers this morning I didn't eat breakfast but I did eat lunch. Been a long time since I had a hot roast beef sandwich. Leftover roast beef from the crock pot. My mom used to do this all the time and I really missed it. It was awesome.
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A plate full of yum right there!
What do you older guys have for Medicare supplements? Now that the wife is retired I need a full part B and C and D or Medicare Advantage. I bet most of you are covered by the Vets Admin?
What do you older guys have for Medicare supplements? Now that the wife is retired I need a full part B and C and D or Medicare Advantage. I bet most of you are covered by the Vets Admin?
I got a deal with Kaiser Permanente where I pay -0-

so I’m totally stumped. Literally changed nothing, my 8 year old daughter walks up, starts messing with the bulbs and sockets I had laying out on the tailgate and suddenly, everything is working again. Voltage and continuity test prior showed no problems but I still couldn’t get them to work. I don’t know what she did, but they’re working now

so I’m totally stumped. Literally changed nothing, my 8 year old daughter walks up, starts messing with the bulbs and sockets I had laying out on the tailgate and suddenly, everything is working again. Voltage and continuity test prior showed no problems but I still couldn’t get them to work. I don’t know what she did, but they’re working now


The old "wiggle the wires" trick.
Something. I did replace that melted harness and plug this morning but I still didn’t have brake lights or turn signals
I’m actually wondering if my dumbass put the reverse bulb into the brake light socket. They are different
So. Slept most of the day. Feeling a little better. Marie is sick now too. Ugh. I hope all is well out there at least
I’m actually wondering if my dumbass put the reverse bulb into the brake light socket. They are different


Brake light...
  • Voltage (V): 14 Volt
  • Wattage (W): 8.3, 26.9 Wat
  • Amperage (A): 0.59, 2.1 Amp
Reverse Bulb...
  • Voltage (V): 12.8 Volt
  • Wattage (W): 26.9 Watt
  • Amperage (A): 2.1 Amp

Brake light...
  • Voltage (V): 14 Volt
  • Wattage (W): 8.3, 26.9 Wat
  • Amperage (A): 0.59, 2.1 Amp
Reverse Bulb...
  • Voltage (V): 12.8 Volt
  • Wattage (W): 26.9 Watt
  • Amperage (A): 2.1 Amp
The terminals on the spade are in different locations as well. All I know is I came back out and she was messing with the bulbs “trying to help”. Well it worked.
Get well Eric... sucks when the whole house is down and out.

Thanks Chris. Sucks. She has same symptoms but a day behind. I over did it Friday and Saturday I think. Allowed whatever to take hold. Was a great weekend. Slept most of today
She made Hot Toddys. . Orange juice, cranberry juice, lemon juice, Airborne, ND whisky served warm..mmmmm