Stop in for a cup of coffee

House cleaning this morning. Then back on the parts organizing job. That's almost done. I got my parts supplier to send me four more totes today.
House cleaning this morning. Then back on the parts organizing job. That's almost done. I got my parts supplier to send me four more totes today.
That's my goal today, except mostly house parts not car parts. Could use some more tool boxes but cardboard will do.
Do have some car stuff stuff here, that just needs to go in a stack for when I bring the car around.
Still not 100 %
What a disaster thread.
Harms Rebuilt '71 Thermoquad - Wondering Idle, Stalls when Put in Gear
Yup, it was nice! I ran premium gas for the first time. It almost seems exhaust tone was quieter.
Thanks for posting those photos.

As far as the fuel making a different sound - could be a different burn.
When I was looking up distillation curves, sometims there were big differences, sometimes not. The octane number doesn't clue us in to that either.
I was thinking a beer.

A case of premium beer might even convince me to go there.
By premium I mean something like Ommegang - not Genny 12 horse. LOL
Like all the "help me select a cam" threads. Bring a few cases there! :lol::rofl:

LOL. I meant because the OP is in NJ, I would have considered going over and helping. But at this point I'd need an extra incentive. :)
Timing chain sprockets not installed correctly would be my first guess...hey matt
Need to run over to the eyeball doc to get my glasses fixed. Was watching the tube last night and realized something weren't right. Missing a nosepad. :wtf:
Timing chain sprockets not installed correctly would be my first guess...hey matt
Hey Tim
Who knows? He's throwing darts which ever way people spin him looking for an easy answer.
Now they're arguing over basic facts like factory timing and idle rpm :rolleyes:
Morning all. need to go shopping for some food stuffs today. @Sublime one John the back doesn't look too bad but can't see what's up front. Just stay around 60 and your tires should be fine.