Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just got hone from up north. Got sick last night. Feel horrible. Need some rest.. zolm in on the measuring device next to Marie. Annual snow fall scale for up there.


Hey John....

How'd the day turn out?
Well I have one more showing at 1800hrs. The open house went well but man I am not cut out for this house selling nonsense. You have to be friendly and outgoing, listen to all the advice and answer a million questions. Why are you moving, how many kids do you have what do you do where is wife blah blah blah. It went on and on for hours. Each person with their stories about selling their house. Holy smokes I am just not that gregarious! This is where Jodi shines as she is a people person, me not so much.
Well I have one more showing at 1800hrs. The open house went well but man I am not cut out for this house selling nonsense. You have to be friendly and outgoing, listen to all the advice and answer a million questions. Why are you moving, how many kids do you have what do you do where is wife blah blah blah. It went on and on for hours. Each person with their stories about selling their house. Holy smokes I am just not that gregarious! This is where Jodi shines as she is a people person, me not so much.


Gonna call you out on this..

Chances are.... if a gun guy or a former Marine rolled up you'd damn sure be chatty :poke:
Hah! Marines are always welcome, anybody else needs an appointment. The only thing left in shop that is gun related is a wall full of trophies and plaques, medals ribbons etc from competition. So if they aren’t paying attention they might not even notice. I did have one Chatty Cathy but he went on and on about his Dad was in Vietnam in the Navy dropping sonar to find Rusky subs. Then I got the standard I was going to join but (insert reason here) speech. The guy would not let me go, one guy does vinyl siding so I got a whole bunch of info on that. Wore me out!
I paid neighbors daughters ten bucks a piece to dog sit Hemi! Wife explained in no uncertain terms dog was persona non grata at open house. They took her for a bunch of walks, Hemi is whipped. She is at my feet sprawled out and snoring. I warned them if they chanced upon a rabbit it was best to let the leash go or get face planted. They are twins and they may weigh 100 pounds combined between them. I think they are 7-8 years old. Hemi would have dragged them across the field.
I paid neighbors daughters ten bucks a piece to dog sit Hemi! Wife explained in no uncertain terms dog was persona non grata at open house. They took her for a bunch of walks, Hemi is whipped. She is at my feet sprawled out and snoring. I warned them if they chanced upon a rabbit it was best to let the leash go or get face planted. They are twins and they may weigh 100 pounds combined between them. I think they are 7-8 years old. Hemi would have dragged them across the field.


Yeah, mine goes total brain stem with squirrels...
I paid neighbors daughters ten bucks a piece to dog sit Hemi! Wife explained in no uncertain terms dog was persona non grata at open house. They took her for a bunch of walks, Hemi is whipped. She is at my feet sprawled out and snoring. I warned them if they chanced upon a rabbit it was best to let the leash go or get face planted. They are twins and they may weigh 100 pounds combined between them. I think they are 7-8 years old. Hemi would have dragged them across the field.

I was gone a majority of the day yesterday and then the concert last night. Dog's been on high alert on my movements all day worried I'm going to roll out again.
Well I have one more showing at 1800hrs. The open house went well but man I am not cut out for this house selling nonsense. You have to be friendly and outgoing, listen to all the advice and answer a million questions. Why are you moving, how many kids do you have what do you do where is wife blah blah blah. It went on and on for hours. Each person with their stories about selling their house. Holy smokes I am just not that gregarious! This is where Jodi shines as she is a people person, me not so much.
Same here man. Good luck
Well I just got done with my last house showing. Time for a very well earned reward! Last family was a National Guard recruiter being moved up here. I told him there is a extra 15% added to asking price for being Army! No sense of humor at all that guy!
