Stop in for a cup of coffee

I made it Home there fellers. What a day it was huh?

It was indeed!

Even though I left a half hour later than I planned, I still managed to get to my daughter's school for the show with 8 minutes to spare. Good thing I did 85 for the entire time I was on the Turnpike! :D
No, we are on a burn ban due to lack of rain.

Too bad. I was hoping the rain last night was enough that you'd be able to do it.

Oh well, just pass the bottle around again!

Tell Mitch I'm craving more of the deer jerky...that stuff is really good!
cool stuff - the weather obviously cooperated O:) - my day blew chunks.. f-it, onward and upward..
It was a great time up at Hoppy's place today! Even though I could only stay for a few hours, it was great to meet everyone! I even caught a small bass from his pond. :)

As promised, here are a few pics...
Good Morning to who ever is up! I weighed in at 249. Time to get serious now that all the partying is over.
Good Morning to who ever is up! I weighed in at 249. Time to get serious now that all the partying is over.

you know, i never did get into partying. Even in college, never did. Starting to think I missed out
My partying consist of friends getting together and unfortunately I eat too much. I really like things cooked over a fire or grille
there are better reasons but it does come in handy to be able to store more than you can as a "regular" member...
guess i just need to become a gold member, so I can have 1000 pms hahaha

over? summer is just beginning my friend.. it's time to start! LOL - besides, there is still a lift-n-load day coming... :D
Good Morning to who ever is up! I weighed in at 249. Time to get serious now that all the partying is over.

oh, you did... to some degree.. most of my "good" stories start with "I was at this party and.."
you know, i never did get into partying. Even in college, never did. Starting to think I missed out

yes siree...
The key is friends
there are better reasons but it does come in handy to be able to store more than you can as a "regular" member...

I've been kicking it around for a while but can't bring myself to spend the cash, last time I subscribed to a website, it really wasn't worth it and it closed months later haha
thats not a party, thats a cook out haha :D

I'm talking the type of parties that makes the news haha

Check out page before this one with Ddaddys pictures. It was a cook was a junk was a fun time and I guarantee we talked about YOU!!
What was really cool...Most of us had never met. But it was like old friends. We quoted each other and I am here to tell you Ben Drinkin is as funny in person. I don't think I stopped laughing all day.