Stop in for a cup of coffee

The night shift appears to be done.

I'll just leave this last one here for the next shift...

Kevin GTS 1c.jpg
I called hops and left him a message To reschedule delivering and installing the lift.

I'm right on the edge with all the family bs and drama this last week. I know my recently deceased brother in law would be banging some heads together over the nonsense.
That is just so sad and disappointing.

Good friends of mine divorced a couple of years back. All of a sudden he wouldn't buy her out of the house. Turned all rigid. He loosened up after his father had a stern talk with him.

Now they're on ok terms but it was a really rough period.

Do you think maybe an older relativ could step in and cool things down so the issue could be worked out in a mature fashion?
Yep one of the brother in laws who came up from Florida took it upon himself to invite a few old friends to the private get together we had set up at a local restaurant for after the service. No he didn't offer to pay anything towards it.
Geez. How do people live with themselves? No decency?
Eh.. Usually between 5 and 6. Sometimes I don't come here until later. Maybe Lurking !!:lol:
OIC - 'tis easier at this hour.. sometimes I don't speak at this hour 'cause I'm usually grouchy before my first coffee seeps in... :D
I'll usually back read before I post. You know... Just so I don't say anything Stupid :BangHead:
so I was just checking out my profile page - seeing things from months ago I never saw before - comments that were left that I totally missed... now follower info that I know I didn't put there... I wonder what the criteria is for someone either following you or you following them..??
Yeah, I rarely went to my profile page, but it's a good thing I looked yesterday. A local Mopar friend of mine, lost his phone and numbers, so he contacted me on here.
Keith is doing the same thing I think - my profile page showed he had activity within the last min. (about 5 min ago) and yet we aren't getting a greeting in here this morning - - hey lurker!! LOL
profile page says
zkx14 was last seen:
5 minutes ago -
too funny... maybe some of the changes aren't such a good thing... hehehe
To early for any tec questions .
Good morning and looks like the rain has all moved out and the sunny day today will hit 79 degrees, I hope today is much better than yesterday
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memike don't hide from nobody, first cup down and looking forward to number 2 for the day :)
Do you think maybe an older relativ could step in and cool things down so the issue could be worked out in a mature fashion?
I think Wolfie is that older relative, and they are just being knuckleheads. It was more than enough for me taking care of things when I lost my Father and brother. My sister was agreeable with everything, and so far all the stuff I filed is good. all it takes is a couple relatives not agreeing and your handing a big pile of cash to a lawyer to sort it out.