Stop in for a cup of coffee

Meme your back as your good old self. What was wrong with the access?

I think a tec was using my user account to rework and check the site, not sure really, but I do know I was not on at 4:30 yesterday morning all is good now sir.
When is the new Lift date ?
To early for any tec questions .
Good morning and looks like the rain has all moved out and the sunny day today will hit 79 degrees, I hope today is much better than yesterday

Glad to see you're not wearing the dress today....
I think a tec was using my user account to rework and check the site, not sure really, but I do know I was not on at 4:30 yesterday morning all is good now sir.
When is the new Lift date ?

Got hacked hey?

I have to call OMR he left a message about having it delivered. Kind of a weird voicemail so I have to give him a ring.
does anyone remember Laila from snoopy ??

she was actually Snoopy's original owner before Charlie Brown, but had to give up snoopy to move into an apartment which did not allow pets


I have to share this it made my day.

Hello Ray.
Just wanted to give you an update on my progress here... my hop yard has been completed with the exception of the irrigation, which I am in the process of working on. In the meantime I have just been hand watering regularly. I am seeing plenty of action from the rhizomes I got from you!!! Most have broken the surface with multiple shoots and even some are approaching a foot in height. I did order 2 other varieties from another supplier, nugget and sterling to round out and fill the rows in my yard. I have to tell you that the rhizomes I received from this other commercial supplier were nowhere near the quality of the ones that you supplied. They were all much smaller and drier than yours, although they were showing signs of growth. They were not packed with the care that you obviously put into yours. I wanted to thank you again for the quality of the rhizomes and for all the good information that you provided me. I am eagerly looking forward to the growth to come!


One of the guys I am mentoring
That is such a cool avatar Mr. Karl !!!

That's how I roll....

No, it's the first one that I was able to get to post.... I have a few others that I can try if I feel like changing my avatar more than my clothes.... Like some people used to do...
my adoptive family had a 75 dart when I moved in and I remember riding in it to Texas and then shortly after we had to give it up because no room...I think it got junked.

Always remembered it and now my Snoopy came back because I have another one :)
That's how I roll....

No, it's the first one that I was able to get to post.... I have a few others that I can try if I feel like changing my avatar more than my clothes.... Like some people used to do...

I don't know who you are referring to
Hey MeMi.. i was thinking about you when i was cruising through Arkansas. Was tempted to head north and drop in for a surprise visit.
does anyone remember Laila from snoopy ??

she was actually Snoopy's original owner before Charlie Brown, but had to give up snoopy to move into an apartment which did not allow pets

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Snoopy is my favorite. . And Laila is pretty hot. She's no Judy Jetson mind you, but still pretty hot..

I loved Snoopy also...

Don't remember Laila, but my Peanuts days were long ago....
Morning Mr. meme glad to see you got your login sorted out

Good morning, I am to Rainy, it sure did not make my day as I thought Hops was pulling my leg about everyone was on and posting... a good day ahead of me today doll :thumbsup: