Stop in for a cup of coffee

That is a old *** fuel injection setup off a 'Vette. Right?
Yeah, I thought I saw somewhere in a thread that your're a Corvette owner also.
That one goes on my 60 Fulie Vette. Do I dare post a pic of the car here ?
Only if you want get flamed!
Aint Skeered
so after MUCH internal debate... I've decided to grace this place (work) with my presence for the rest of today and take me a 3 day weekend… :D
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Good morning guys, Coffee Thread is a busy place, takes a while to catch up, good to see everyone's in good spirits.
Life's good in my quiet spot, work has been pleasant...boss has been scarce this week. The inspector lady didn't even come dine with us, that would have been a huge fire drill.
Well that was weird, right when I hit "post" the power went out. Went out and did some errands, but with the new software, what I wrote was saved as a draft, kinda cool.
I'm liking the new FABO just fine, how about you guys??
well, my "garage" pics were gone at first - I think Joey is working on a lot of things still - swear he said somewhere that those would eventually reappear..?
think i can live in the back of my dart for a few days?
huh - I noticed My Attachments in my profile and was surprised to see every pic I have ever posted was listed, Joey said something to the effect of - of course, that's how the threads they are in are linked...
Aint that the Truth !!
Hows the Boss treatin ya ?
Amazingly enough, I must have trained my minions well enough that nothing blew up in my absence. Boss has been rather easy to deal with.

And I just noticed that I have a couple of 'photo garages'. Pretty cool...
you know, I did the same basic thing several times... my last one died when Windows did an update and it killed the video card - incompatable drivers - I was SO ticked because I had only had the Fing thing for a year - - I bit the bullet and went to Best Buy and bought a new laptop - HP with Windows 8.1, touch screen... gotta say, if you go the Ebay route - look for 8.1 (if you go Windows) - - lots of negative "reviews" about Win10. Also, the "older" Windows versions are not being supported by Microsoft anymore so be really careful what you do buy for an OS.
No no no NO! Windows 10 is light years better and more secure than 8.1.
No no no NO! Windows 10 is light years better and more secure than 8.1.
humm... mine was preloaded with 8.1 and I have heard that the 10 upgrade is horrible.. somewhat afraid to do it because I don't want to blow up the only new computer I have ever had - -always built my own -desktop or bought used-laptop