Stop in for a cup of coffee

:BangHead: :mob: :mob: :lol: I would be changing that.
Actually the beer that I do buy and bring home I put in the refrigerator here. But refrigerators here don't work very well. Takes a long time to get the beer cold. So a lot of times I'll put four or six in the freezer for a short period of time. Lol
Actually the beer that I do buy and bring home I put in the refrigerator here. But refrigerators here don't work very well. Takes a long time to get the beer cold. So a lot of times I'll put four or six in the freezer for a short period of time. Lol
They drink warm beer in Germany.:BangHead:
Who says you can’t fix an electrical connection by hitting it haha
Jeep fully functional now?
Yep. The thing is, it was clipped in and it’s got a set screw, both were fully engaged and not damaged or backed off. I also was getting so many varied readings, I figured it was a short or something.

I’m glad too cause a new alternator is 408 bucks plus a 266 core… oh and is on back order for 3 months!
What's funny that joke need help thread nobody even tried to answer the original question! Pretty funny
I just got word my Brother in law passed away. It's probably for the best. He was headed for a lot of suffering if he would stick around.