Stop in for a cup of coffee

Working some OT today, co-worker has been remodeling his house and been off this week, working with him today on a turn-up. Pics to come on that remodel, not OSHA approved lol!
Good Morning Everyone. Cold today, -10 windchill. High of 15 today, then warming a bit slowly going forward. Still not passed mid 30's but better than this
Wow what did USA turn into? The schools are going to give each student three mental health days in Pa bill going in today
Burr it's cold this morning. Not as cold as you guys up Nort'. THe blower is running! It never runs unless ti get's close to zero out. Yep, 3°
Been offline too much lately, how's the firebird and the Studebaker going. I see it's frickin cold up there today so I'm not complaining about my balmy 23 degrees here!
Firebird is moving along. New windshield next week. Waiting on the door skins.
Studebaker got the box stretched 12” and set on the chassis. Couple more days of fab work and it will be mounted with floor back in
So, I've been getting tired of listening to Viet music in the car all he time. She has it loaded on a memory stick. So I went and renewed my Spotify acct today, and tried to download some music on a spare memory stick I have. Problem is, Spotify is protected and doesn't download to MP3 directly. So I had to download an associated app to convert to MP3. Didn't cost much. Anyhow I just went out to the car to test it. Works great !!! I only loaded 12 tunes, all Old Motown Favorites. But I'm sure there's room for a lot more Rock and Roll on that Stick.....Happy...Happy.... :thumbsup:
Burr it's cold this morning. Not as cold as you guys up Nort'. THe blower is running! It never runs unless ti get's close to zero out. Yep, 3°
-26*F this morning I went outside and yep it's cold but a sunny day so not to bad.
Stormy night :eek: I think it killed the weather station at the airport that NWS is hooked up to. On the local news last night they showed some film from the next county to the north, it's a little higher in elevation, lotsa (2") of snow. They had to close the state highway that runs to the beach 30 miles away :lol: