Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey Mitch my son was working with Vietnams major airlines yesterday, guess they have 4 Boeing 787's and were getting an alert on one in which my son was a team member helping troubleshoot the cause.
Probably Vietnam Airlines. They're using those to come from Vietnam directly to the West Coast now.
Yes that's what he said I now remember. Said with the difference in time zones it was a 7 pm call for him but that's what you do.
Yes the difference between East Coast time and Vietnam is 12 hours, so I guess only 9 hours from the West Coast. Right now it is 6:28 p.m. on Friday night in Vietnam.
No cold hard cash isnt the same.
I have to admit, that was one of the few times in my life I didn't have and immediate reply.
I knew right then I had a new friend.
I thought you would just turn around and leave and take the lift with you....LOL
OK OMR had a smurf problem for a while at his abode. He sold me my lift. So we get it installed some how no one got hurt. Pay him almost a grand in 1's and 5's. Froxen in a blue water in a bag. Hey it could have been 1 cent postage stamps so it could be worse. Thay was liftday 2.0