Stop in for a cup of coffee

Speaking of dinner. I just put together a Rueben. I am waiting for the griddle to warm up.
Sounds good Mike. I did Deep fried chicken, potato salad and pork and beans tonight and desert since I made dinner is Alka Seltzer. lol
I have a little something also.:thumbsup:
May have solved it. Knock on wood… appears the weather tight plug on the back of the alternator wasn’t making great connection. Tapped it with the wrench a couple times and suddenly the alternator started reading again. 14.15-14.7. Gonna wait 30 minutes and see what battery shows
Love horses when I lived on the farm we would turn the horses loose in the winter and watch them run in the snow and have a good time.
Still have our two horses
May have solved it. Knock on wood… appears the weather tight plug on the back of the alternator wasn’t making great connection. Tapped it with the wrench a couple times and suddenly the alternator started reading again. 14.15-14.7. Gonna wait 30 minutes and see what battery shows

Still have our two horses
When my wife died I got rid of the ones we had She would ride them but not me.
So on my jeep, there's these meters next to the mph meter.
The top one is the drip meter, and the bottom one is the plus minus meter.

After starting, the drip meter shows its not dripping much but it will drip more on the highway.
The other meter shows 10 plusses, which is better than minusses, but not better than misses. Missus are always better unless they are Mrs. that aren't yours. That's big trouble.
So on my jeep, there's these meters next to the mph meter.
The top one is the drip meter, and the bottom one is the plus minus meter.
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After starting, the drip meter shows its not dripping much but it will drip more on the highway.
The other meter shows 10 plusses, which is better than minusses, but not better than misses. Missus are always better unless they are Mrs. that aren't yours. That's big trouble.
That top gauge tells me you don't have many oil leaks! Close to zero. :lol: :lol:
I've been to a few amusement parks in Vietnam. Nothing like you would see in America. Probably 10 or 20% of the people you would see at a park in the US. I really enjoy it here when I do go there.