Stop in for a cup of coffee

I don't sleep well. No wonder why I take naps. LOL
-26°. Think this is the last really cold night.
Woke up, looked at clock, 4:26. ITS HEMITIME! Cant touch this!
I can sleep basically anyplace if needed. Kind of lucky like that.
There's times at 10 am I step away from the computer and take a 20 min snooze. It makes it hard to travel when you want to sleep. I am better off to take a sleeping pill.
There's times at 10 am I step away from the computer and take a 20 min snooze. It makes it hard to travel when you want to sleep. I am better off to take a sleeping pill.
I take a half.
Didn't do much today. Went and did my early workout this morning, was home by 9:00 a.m. . Sat around the house most of the day. Finally around 4:30 p.m. I went out on my motorbike. I really enjoy the freedom of the motorbike. You can see more things with the motorbike than you can while driving the car. Stopped at a couple of cafes. Going to go home and make a bacon cheeseburger. Need the protein. Worked out hard today. Lol. Worked out hard today. Lol
On my way home I stopped at this little roadside cafe near my house and the new bridge. Never noticed this before, but apparently this guy lives on his miniature boat. Probably uses it to fish. He was in the canal bathing and changing his clothes on board his little skiff. Pretty amazing some of the things you see in Vietnam.
Git you some of that Mimosa sleep aid from Asia... :thumbsup:
I got a "shipped" notification on mine outta NY. I take a pill to go to sleep and slam Java in the morning....guess it could be worse. We're headed to the Casino tomorrow to see Jefferson Starship, don't know what to expect honestly.
Hey Mitch my son was working with Vietnams major airlines yesterday, guess they have 4 Boeing 787's and were getting an alert on one in which my son was a team member helping troubleshoot the cause.
So on my jeep, there's these meters next to the mph meter.
The top one is the drip meter, and the bottom one is the plus minus meter.
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After starting, the drip meter shows its not dripping much but it will drip more on the highway.
The other meter shows 10 plusses, which is better than minusses, but not better than misses. Missus are always better unless they are Mrs. that aren't yours. That's big trouble.
Mine all drip when running or not. That would be great to have a meter to show how much. I thought that was some Gennie meter. Huh