Stop in for a cup of coffee


I just got word my Brother in law passed away. It's probably for the best. He was headed for a lot of suffering if he would stick around.
Sorry Mike it must be hard on the family but I understand my wife had cancer and was in constant pain and was hard on me and my kids watching her suffer.
Nah dont need to go there. Just stupid things that will be reversed.
I was more meaning that is the way they typically go. Like timing, ported vs manifold vacuum, carburetor air bleeds, etc
Blue sky this morning but still cold 1deg outside. My old girl Sophie slipped on the ice and hurt her back leg. Sleeping now with a heating pad. She's 11 and arteritis is getting to her.
Just off the phone with my post office. Very nice lady. Received the notification that a package was delivered "at the front door"... look out... no package. Walk to the mailbox and no package... but I see a package at a house up the lane. I'm thinking it's mine (looks about the right size) but I'm not going to approach the house.
Hopefully quick resolution
Just off the phone with my post office. Very nice lady. Received the notification that a package was delivered "at the front door"... look out... no package. Walk to the mailbox and no package... but I see a package at a house up the lane. I'm thinking it's mine (looks about the right size) but I'm not going to approach the house.
Hopefully quick resolution

Package arrived.... and received a follow up call from the Postmaster to make sure I was happy.